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Aftermarket Headunit.. Falls Out


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hey guys,

i've posted about this before but i really need to fix this. it's very annoying since i take the face off my headunit everyday when i park it.

the entire radio just.. slides around. even the metal 'cage' that it's in slides in and out with the radio.

i think there need to be screws somewhere holding it in, but i don't have any.. my car came like this.

is there's a kit from crutchfield or something that i can buy to just mount the Darn thing? like the parts that come with a new unit, only minus the unit?


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so the metal cage around the headunit slides in and out? well, depends on what kind of fix you want...the main issue is that the cage doesnt have to omany places to grab hold of our dash...getting a sturdier pocket will help, but if someone tugs at the headunit, its still going to come out...

1. cheap fix 1: take the cage out, and super glue it to the das cavity, and then put the headunit in...really quick, pretty strong and rattle free, but a bit of a pain if you want to swap headunits..

2. fix number 2: drill out holes on the side of hte dash cavity so you can bend the tabs on the cage so its hole securely..

this is all asumming of course, that your dash cavity is perfectly in tact, ad have not been hacked to pieces already :)


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The cages I have used in the past normally have tabs on them to lock them in place. The cage will normally stop when it is all the way in, so you bend the tabs out to lock it in place. Maybe the new ones are different now.

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not all cages fit all brands, what type of alpine cage do you have? there are two kinds, one with prones that catches the headunit itself, and one with little hooks at the front that the headunits little tabs catch...

if you have the former, take the headunit out, and then push in the tabs on the two sides of the cage must push them really hard so they bgend well into the cage, and hten try sliding th eheadunit in, to see if the tabs you pushed in catches any part of the headunit...if this does not work, then...if you really must use the cage, then you basically are left with taping the cage and the the HU togetherreally solidly...

some pictures of hte haedunit and the cage will help :)


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