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94 850 Turbo Vs. 2006 Cobalt Ss


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I beat a stock cobalt ss 2 weeks ago. He pulled a half a car on me off the line, then he had to shift....I still had 2500rpms to go. Pulled a half car ahead of him by the end of first. I hit second and it was over(second gear after chipping is incredible). By the time I hit 70 he was at least 4-5 cars behind me

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I'm gonna put this out here for some flaming, but unless you've done it you don't know.

There is no way a stock 850T or S/V70 T5 could beat a stock supercharged SS. That car is something like 205hp with a awesome 2nd gear - it's an auto car, powerbrake and mash the pedal, racing for dummies.

We raced in line down a back road up to 210kms (although my speedo was only saying 180) and he didn't pull much on me, but was pulling me.

That's a quick little cav, we may have quick bricks, but not that quick.

HOWEVER, i am confident that if i get my chip before he gets stage 2 then i'll have no problems ruining him, and i'm very anxious to feel the chipped 2nd gear difference :D

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Isn't a SC spooled off of the accessory belt or whatever, so as the revs increase so will the amount of pressure it creats?

The rule of thumb i know is "superchargers make little engines feel big". Bottom line, thats a faster car stock than ours stock.

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94 850 Turbo




06 Cobalt SC




so yes, the cobalt SHOULD inch the 850 by a little bit

i love benchmark racing


our cars would be lucky to make 180 at the wheels, the cobalts have reported ~200 WHP at the dynos.. gotta love underrating your cars.

an SS will spank an unchipped car...

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our cars would be lucky to make 180 at the wheels, the cobalts have reported ~200 WHP at the dynos.. gotta love underrating your cars.

an SS will spank an unchipped car...

my point exactly!

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I've been beaten by one... kinda.

I meged onto the highway after gunning it and pulled right behind him, he thought I pulled to close and he SLAMMED the brakes and I almost ploughed right into him (I think he meant to tap, new car - easy mistake)

Anyway he then gunned it and so did I but later, and after heavier braking. Never caught up.

- G

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