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Seat Belt Retraction Adjustment

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I don't havwe an answer, but it is a common issue with the 70 series. It has been a problem with my wife's '98 Xc as long as we have owned it (4 years) and I keep a handfull of door warning lights on the shelf because when teh belt latch is causht in the door, it invariably breaks the red plastic lens. I have seen posts where people have gotten Volvo to replace the belt retractor if it is still under warranty. Otherwise, those belst are pricey and probably not worth the cost for this problem .

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The only way to avoid the belt in the door syndrone is to take the belt off the same way you put it on, only in reverse, unclip the buckel, and direct your hand holding the buckel up toward where you got it from. 100% safe if you do it that way every time. The unclip the buckel and let it drag across your lap while you are getting out, is a belt in the door waiting to happen. The retraction system was made gental for ride comfort, if it was harder people tend to add gadgets to make it fit looser and be more comfortable, and this disables the tensioner system should a crash happen.

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