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Another One Down...


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Well boys and girls, my baby is most likly done.

I went to visit a friend of mine (who i thought was single) in London (1.5 hours away from home) this aft. She made me dinner and it was swell. Her, her roomate and friend sat and watched some tv and movies.

They have cats at their place and that wasn't going too well with my allergies. I took some drugs but still no dice. Also, her still current boyfriend showed up which kind of ruined my hopes for the rest of the night.

On account of the boyfriend and the cats i decided to go back home this morning leaving shortly after 1am.

I decided to take the back roads over the superhighway (401 obviously for those who know) on account of where in london i was and where i was going back home.

Things were going fine and my car loved the back roads. I came to a stop, stopped and started again, got up to speed (about 100km/h - 80 zone) and then i kind of lose it.

Here is what i remember.

All of a sudden there is a deer in front of my car

Next it's all black in my car

I realize there is an open bag in between my hands

I realize i'm still moving close to the speed limit, so i brake

In between hitting the deere and stopping there were so many things that went through my head including the scene from Tommy boy where the deere went into the car and woke up and started kicking. I also thought about my friends deere collision where it went under the car.

By the time i got the car stopped i was almost fully in the other lane (2 lane road).

When i opened the door of course the cabin was very dusty on account of both bags deploying. I stepped out and the first thing i realized was that my mangled hood was striaght up in the air, as i began my 911 call i walked around and felt goop under my foot which of course was my rad fluid that had leaked out and across the road. When i got to the front both headlights were gone, as well as the drivers side corner.

I had no idea where i was to tell the police so i went for a 1km run on the phone with 911 and on my way back to the car saw about a 100' trail of fluid from where i must have made contact to where i finally realized what happened and brought it to a stop.

I looked for the beast i hit and found it about 10' off my back passenger side bumper. It was thankfully just a baby deere (a passer-byer called it 'bambi'). Meeting my Volvo turned it to mush apparently, the cop and tow driver said all it's probably good for is summersausage.

As the police showed up and provided some light and my nerves settled i got a better look at some things. For instance my windshield was well shattered and sporatically throughout it were little deere hairs. And i also noticed my sun roof was no longer sitting tightly in the roof.

My iPd grille was about 5' in front of the car as was a debris field of plasitic and glass from the front end of the car. There was also a handful of debris behind the car that came off as i brought it to a stop.

What i figure happened was that the deer got hit, setting the airbags, and releasing the hood, then rolled into my windshield followed by the hood which i presume held the deer against my glass. I also suspect that the hood doubled over and hit the roof popping the sunroof out, but i'll need to see it in daylight to see a impact point.

Anyhow, my Volvo is down, and in a bad way. I have to assume it's written off. Both bags, new hood, new glass, new lights, new triple stack (rad, comp, intercooler), sunroof seal, glove box, bumper?... on a 94.

I don't know if this has been an atypical season for VS deaths, but my name is unfortunatly added to the list.

As for me, I'm understandably shaken up, but no personal injusry. My left thumb is sore on account of taking the shock of the impact (i didn't hit the bags).

I apprechiate the concern i'm confident will ensue, and hope to get myself into another Volvo post haste. I'm thinking 855!?

If i'd crashed with my frined - i'd have my car when the sun comes up

If i'd taken the tavistock by-pass - i'd have my car when the sun comes up

Oh, another interesting driving story from today (yesterday) was that on my way to London a 18 wheeler had a blow out beside me. Man, tires go EVERYWHERE!

In summary, i'm shopping, waiting to talk to my insurance (cause of my record i only have liability coverage!?!?!?), and will probably talk to the bank for some more debt!? :(

Deer is dead, i'm alright, and i suspec the car is toast. I'll have pics tomorrow night.

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Yeah, good to hear you are OK. Keep us informed with what happens with your car. It sucks to lose it like that...through no fault of your own. And not to bring you down, but in NY, liability means nothing is covered even in an event like that. The trials and turbulations of owning clean, nice cars... :rolleyes:

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I fear that our insurance industries aren't too different!

I've left a message for my insurance agent but i suspect i'm looking at parting or junking this thing. In Ontario there is liability, collision and comprehensive. I think i might be SOL, but all i do is pay my premium, i really don't have any idea what it means!?

Needless to say it'll be a while before i sleep again!

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& that is why I drive a Volvo & not a flimsier but more fuel efficient Honda or something.

Glad you came out unharmed & I hope you sort through the paperpushing side of accidents quickly.

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Well i just spoke to my insurance broker - the oh yeah! wouldn't call me back from my message at 3am. I called and spoke to her and she quite pleasantly informed me that despite paying as much for one cars insurance as friends pay for 2 and a house i do not have coverage for this - as i suspected.

So, that car remains mine, but is totalled i suspect.

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ahhhhh dude nooooooooo!!!! Again that totally sucks, but i'm glad that your ok. I remember reading your MSN names seeing that your in London, then i wake up with your message saying you wrote it off and i started freakin! That girl you went to see should totally dump her bf cause of what you went through :P

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Ironic indeed. I didn't think it would be the death of some little friggen deere that came between us.

Thanks FB, I don't think i'm going to fix it though. 2 bags, bumper, triple stack, lights, windshield, plus whatever it'll take to get the sunroof back in, plus whatever else i could have missed last night.

Also, i apprechiate the offer, but one of my best friends is a Volvo mechanic so i get his price on everything.

My friend quite pleasantly told me i've been spelling deer wrong all morning:

his calls for an intervention says:

its spelt DEER jerk hole

patrick - Volvo - 0.5; Deere - 0 2005 has not been a banner year for me and cars says:


this calls for an intervention says:


this calls for an intervention says:


patrick - Volvo - 0.5; Deere - 0 2005 has not been a banner year for me and cars says:

i've been spelling it deere all day and night

this calls for an intervention says:

that is john deere you jerk

patrick - Volvo - 0.5; Deere - 0 2005 has not been a banner year for me and cars says:

my bad

She's so sweet!

Anyhow, i really want to get myself into another 850 or V70 (too expensive) but if i can't find one in time for me to track down some cash, then i might be stuck in some piece of stuff.

Man, the past 12 months have been awful for me and cars. Last fall i replaced my '92 Escort GT casue the whole back end had rusted out (i.e. strut towers became disconnected from the body - rusted right through) into a '92 Civic hatch that blew head gaskets once a month to my Volvo in March and now it's toast on account of some random deer!?


haha, Adam, i wasn't looking for a new gf, just a warm body, but am fine with no - we're really terrific friends.

still no pics, i can't get a car to get out there, probably not till this afternoon

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