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Amp/sub Wiring?

the underlørd

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I have a 12" JLW3D4, which i plan to run off of a JL 500/1 Amp. The sub a whole boat load of terminals, 2 spades for + , and 2 spades for -. And the same thing on the other opposite side of the magnet. I'm wondering the best way to wire this up to the amp.

The box I have is just a generic box, with two terminals. So I have it hooked up right now, using only half the terminals on the sub itself, which takes up all the terminals on the box. So basically i have 2 + and 2 -, spades not being used on the sub.

is this correct?

basically I have two of the connections seen here: this is called DVC right?


ps - no its not in the car, and no i haven't tried hooking it up yet, just trying to get some info.

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