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North East Meet


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Some of my turbobricks friends were talking about doing a New England/North East meet in New Hampster. I know I'm one of at least 3 in the maine area, and a bunch of you guys from Mass. Would any of you guys like to caravan down to this?

Here is the thread on T-bricks with all the info:



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Ok, so looks like we can show up from 10-12. Then around 1 PM we're going for a drive around the coast. Then there is an optional Red Hook Brewery tour at 4pm. Here is the low down from T-Bricks:

I am going to contact Redhook Brewery this weekend to find out some details. Once that is done I will post a "theoretical" timeline for you all.

My initial thoughts are - though without really thinking things through fully:

Optional pre-meet-up around 10am for washing/cleaning of vehicles at place TBD

Optional meet-up around Noon-1pm for a drive around the coast (meet-up place/route TBD - though I have ideas)

Followed by a caravan to redhook to enjoy their fine parking lot (lets shoot for a theoretical time of 3pm)

Redhook Tour (Starts promptly at 4pm)

Upon conclusion of tour we can enjoy food and beverages at the brewery, and music should be there as well.

The reason I am calling redhook is to see if they will need advance notice of a "group" and if we need a headcount for the tour/dinner to avoid hassles.

After Redhook begins to bore us, we can drive into Portsmouth for more bar-like activities. However people will be responsible for finding a DD and/or a place to sleep on thier own if they choose to be drinking. I personally do not have a floor to be crashed upon -

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Aye, hey everyone.

I have been thinking we will loiter at the Portsmouth traffic circle immediately off of rt 95 for an hour or two in the morning while people arrive. There is a state liquor store there with plenty of parking for that, and they don't mind people bumming around. (ha..hahaha...ha)

These things always kick off late anyway, so a noon time departure from there would be slightly optomistic. It is VERY easy to find the traffic circle, there's a exit that leads straight to it with large signs for people who are like me.

Then a cruise, being planned by Jon, and grub and tours at Red Hook. Just a heads up, food there is good but a little pricey, so you may want to grab a few extra dollars.

Hope to see you all there.

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