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Well Thursday at 2 AM last week i smoked a deer - if you don't remember.

I essentially turned this:


into this:


I went two days with out a car AT ALL, which was living hell.

Then my dad's 1989 740 came out of the shop - the thing is garbage, mostly on account of my dads apathy towards its service, and that it has this many KMs.


I had to drive that POS until today when i took posession of my new 855. It's a 97 compared to my 94 854 and so far i like it. Need to do a tune up before i'm prepared to give it stuff, but that will come in time!


Then when i got home, my dad showed up with the ghetto car trailer and we did this:



Sorry for the poor quality, i also broke my ditial a few weeks ago at a party so i'm not quite used to my housemates!

I'll get some more of the 855 when i can, and when it has TINTS!

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rear window wipers PWN!

big congrats are in order!

One of the less than perfect aspects about this car - so i've discovered so far is that.. the rear wiper is non functioning at this point.

It is going into winter up here in the great white north, so the only mods i'll be doing before the spring will be - tints, and putting the included winters on - sans hub caps.

I do need a cover for the back as well, and some mechanical work!?

Graydon, were you and your wife supposed to go look at it yesterday evening?

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