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Sub Install Question


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I'm cutting into my spare tire well to try and get a battery back there, and an Aquamist tank... would it be practical/ possible to try and sneak an amp back there too, and a sub? Or even just a sub... I can probably sneak an amp elsewhere. I'm not looking for huge / high-powered, I just want to round out my bass response, and I don't want a huge box floating around in back for a number of reasons. Any input? I know nothing about subs and the like in cars... ( note: I'm a serious bass whore, but I don't want to have everyone looking at me going "what's that nice guy doing?"... I'm thinking it might be best to move the sub closer to me, but I can't find a good spot... also, any preferred sizing and the like? I have an aftermarket unit with resonably output (Blaupunkt, 4x45).. do I even need an amp with a small enough sub? Thanks!)

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okay a fwe answers:

1. i have no idea how bitg the aquamist and battery is, so, if oyu can take a pic and some measurements, it would be great.

2. if you can somehow find 5-6" of depth between teh floor level and the top of hte tank or battery, you can build a shallow box to accomdate a sub. there are plenty of good subs out there that have around a 5" depth...

3. there is NO way yourheadunit will power your sub, first, the rating on the headunit means NOTHING, if it says 45x4, it will be lucky to do anywhere close to 20x4 and thats at a very high distortion threshold, say around 10percent THD, you send that to a sub, two things will happen, your sub will barely move, and your headunit;s internal amp wil lbe working over time and will heat up and die. get a real amp in there...

i can name off hte top of my head quite a few amps and subs combo that I have right in the shop that will fit your needs fine at a good cost if you can spare 6" of depth...


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