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Where Do You Print Digital Pics?


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You are wrong to think that no home printers have archival quality. Dye sublimation printers are your friend. Cheap inkjet printers are not what I am talking about. If you have lots of cash you can just go high-end and by a Fuji Pictography. In any case a dye sub or Fuji Pictography would be just fine. Many of the stores you go to actually use the Fuji printers.

costco usually has nice machines

walmart evne has frontiers.. they just dont change their chemistry but like once a year.

home printers dont have any sort of archival quality though. your pics will be gone in a year or so.

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um generally inkjets are "home" printers, i dont know of anyone with a 3200 dollar fuji pictrography in their home. also considering the cost to run one of those(we have two) i would be surprised to see one in a home. dye sub same thing... starting about 800-1000 now, not too many people are going to put that in their house for casual use when u can still do it much cheaper per print at a lab.

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4x6 and 6x8 inch Dye Subs are well under $500. Check out HiTi's Line of Printers. These are great. The question comes down to whether or not you want to print all your film, usually not the case, because you might typically like 5 pictures out of every 100 you take. If you like to get prints of everything you take then printing at home is not cost effective. The Photo Labs are going to be slighltly cheaper, but with the above mentioned printers you can do this in your home.

um generally inkjets are "home" printers, i dont know of anyone with a 3200 dollar fuji pictrography in their home. also considering the cost to run one of those(we have two) i would be surprised to see one in a home. dye sub same thing... starting about 800-1000 now, not too many people are going to put that in their house for casual use when u can still do it much cheaper per print at a lab.
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