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Nc Sightings, Any Belong To Vs? (charlotte)


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So, I was out w this girl I know, we were going to see "Jarhead" at Concord Mills on Saturday Night at about 7:50PM and she pulls into a space and I look up and see the plate on the back of an S60R that says "GOT R?" and said out loud "holy s*it" and I realised that this is the car that gatzby saw the other day and it was lowered w some kind of exhaust on it (Svenske maybe) and then I get out of the car and right next to it was a red 854R on propus' backed in. when we came out of the fine film, the S60 was gone and the other R still in its place.

later in the evening, while walking her back to her place after going to a party which got broken up we are walking across campus and see a silver 854 T5 lowered, black hood, volans, and some kind of exhaust w DTM tips on it. I get her back to her place and on my walk back i look for dude that got out, found him asked him if was on any of the boards, he said he was on VS and TB as something saloon and said his real name was Ash.

whelp, if any of yall are members, hollar at me some time.


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