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Essay Writing


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Ok, so it's been a while since i've written an essay, but like my old style dictates, i'm doing most of it within 10 hours of the due date.

I'm kind of running on empty right now in advance of my final edit and then biblo.

I thought i'd share my limited wisdom on essay writing as this will finally be my last paper of my degree.

Here is the sercret:

1) write a point form outline with three (at least) sub titles and then a few to a bunch of little points you want to cover in that body paragrpah

2) write the paper how you want - use your imagination

3) take breaks

4) try to limit random surfing and posting on male dominated homo-erotic message boards

3) research (done during or after the paper is written)

- you need to find people that agree with you.

-- unless of course you were writing a paper you had no knowledge or opinon on then well, it's probably gonna suck and then go and do learning

DO NOT smoke pole, or have more than a couple beers (literally 2)

DO NOT chat with people who write a lot of one liners so your MSN isn't beeping every two seconds

DO NOT eat too many vegetable thins while typing or your gut will hurt

DO have a working printer...

and with that break time, then edit/biblio, then to kinkos!

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also, if you print your essay at kinkos, do not read the hardcopy unless you are doing it there. hand it in with confidence, don't look for mistakes..

that my friends is the way to a c average, or b+ if your prof really happens to like you ... like me!

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