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Different A/v Setup


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Finally got around to taking pictures of my setup and posting them on a photo storage site. The video set-up was done on my own. With a little outside the box thinking I believe I came up with a cool design. IN the future I'm planniing on getting a set of visor screens. BUt the set-up was easy to do, even the wiring was hard and I have a tone of wiring in my car.

This the screen. I took a lamp goose neck and used that to help mount the screen to the back cigarette lighter. All that wiring is under neath. I have the XM roady and the screen hard wired to the cigarette lighter using an adapter I got from radio shack.


This is the DVD unit. I had to cut out the back of the glove compartment for one to get the wiring through and two so that it fits. It's a tight snug fit, but it works and is alot cleaner. The unit is slightly longer than a normal head unit so it stuck out below my head unit when I had it there at first. PLus the RCA cables dont help with fit.


This is the view of the headunit and XM roady. The roady is pulled into the headunit directly through a modulator. I use the AUX source to listen to it. This way I can take advantage of the clean sound without using an FM modulator. Maybe at some point I'll just get the XM adaptor for my headunit since it's XM ready. We'll see. The pocket bellow the head unit used to be the DVD player but it stuck out so the install wasnt that clean. This looks alot cleaner.


And finally the museum of amps in the back. PLus the 1.5 farad capacitor. Believe it or not with enough firends that work at audio shops I didn't pay that much for the system so far. Each of those amps were purchased at different points. First one was recycled from my old car to run the subs, next one was bought when I put in the component speakers and the last one for the rear door speakers.


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looks every nice, clean! I like it a lot! :)

my only comment would be, from my experience, having passengers looking too far down while driving often cuaes car sickness and nausea...i think i have pretty much narrowed it down to a maximum of 15 degrees down as the maximum point of comfortable watching :)

just curious if you have experienced anything similar :)


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That sort of makes sense to me. None of my passengers nor me have ever felt anything from watching at that angle. I've had some watch a whole movie thru so I dunno. Hopefully that isnt completely true cuase if you think of people who have protable DVD players on flights or watch a movie or play a game on a PSP they're pretty much watching at a bad angle. Too bad we cant really poll the forum cause I'm sure I'm the only one that set up their video like this.


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thats totally cool if your passengers and you have no problems. I was merely stating that inthe past, at the shop, when we had to do monitors either low inthe dash, or on a gooseneck, we always had customers complain that tghey get sick watching it. also, my wife, while watcing my avic's screen, used to get sick as well...hmmm :)


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yeah hopefully my luck holds out (crosses figners) that I'm not inducing motion sickness. Really the main reason I went with my set-up was one, I did the install and I didnt think I would have the time and patients to do pull down screens, two I like how the screen doesnt interfear with anything and really does blend in good. One of my friends didnt even realize I had the screen there at first. I like pull down screens for a wagon or SUV, but for a sedean I think its too much.

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yeah, it does blend in well :) as for flipdowns, for 850s and 70 series, there is no different between a sedan and a wagon interms of where hte flipdown goes or the viewing angle. the only place to put a flipdown is immediately aft of the sunroof, where the crossbeam is :) when i did george's sedan it worked ot pretty well.


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oh yeah, the placement is the same. I was more talking about astetics. Flipdowns just work better in a wagon. headrest screens and visor screens I think work beest in sedans. Mainly cause flip downs are usually larger screens that just go better with the larger space feel in a wagon or SUV. what sixe did you use for George's sedan?

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oh well thought I had a one off idea. Mainly cause most people dont really mess with their own a/v project and just get it done professionally with flip downs or putting the screen in the headrest. you know the post with pics of his set-up? I doubt there is a quick way to use the search function to find it.

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