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Heater Control Issue


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On my 97 855 both dual control climate knobs are acting up. If I have either drivers or passenger side

controls on full warm I get heat. As soon as I move the knob down 3-4 clicks instead of slowly blending in cool air the blend doors go as cold as possible. You can hear the motors moving the all the way. If I move either control knob to full cold and slowly start to blend warm air in they both work. Has anyone run into this issue before? Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance


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Is this something that just started happening or could it be possible that at these extremes the heater has always functioned this way? I feel like my car does something similar. Which are the blend vents...the two in the center? Sorry that I can't help.


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Is this something that just started happening or could it be possible that at these extremes the heater has always functioned this way? I feel like my car does something similar. Which are the blend vents...the two in the center? Sorry that I can't help.


This is something that has just started to happen, and it happens to all the vents on either side\.


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