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What Will 7 Hours, 12 Cuts On The Hand, Most Of The Dash Apart Get You?


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finally got her in!!

man, it was a long day, mostly spent bend inside the car, i have and counted 12 cuts on my hand from the metal and plastic behind the dash lol...

in the end, it turned out pretty clean and nice. I figured out a way to clealy secure hte unit without permenant fiberglas sor expoxy.

the original problem is simple. the d1 uses four screws a side out of a small tab on either side of hte unit to go into four matching holes on a tab on the sides of a cage. with this tab in place, it is way too wide for even the front of hte opening. so the tabs ha dto be taken off both the cage and the HU. but without htis, there is no way to secure th headunit inside the cage.

i also cut out hte center tabs in the middle of ht openin so the unit itself will even fit.

oringally, i was planning on using fiberglass to secure the unit, but that owuld mean if it ever needs to be taken out, its will bge ahuge pain. so a revised plan was in effect:

using the backstrap hole on the back of the unit, a super long (4 feet ) of back strap was attached int he middle. one side leads out behind the stereo cavity, and is bolted solidly into the kneebolster, pull back and securing hte leftside of hte unit, theother side, goes behindt he govelbox and is secured to the firewall, holding back the other side. this makes for a super duper security mounting, as even a fully pryed apart dash will not get hsi out, you wold need to take down both knee panels, knee bolster plate, side plate, globebox to get at the scrfews and straps :)

the pioneer trim ring was trimeed down to fit, and works pretty well, though there is a small gap still ont eh bottom, but a piece of black velcros takes care of it. eventually, i will get doug to mill me a trim ring i can use in any double din volvos :)

but honestly, for what it is, i htink it looks pretty clean :)





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there's no race to post general praise.. only facts or other pertinent info that answers a question.. SUCKA!

Just sayin'. Since you have a cynoptic connection to VS directly into your brain, I mark my calendar whenever I get a post in under Quick Draw.

I really like the install, it's super-duper sharp. I'd have to do something like that, or a carputer on my next ride. Given the blood that Bing donated, maybe I'd opt for a carputer.

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hehe thanks,

oh i didnt htink the d1 played dvds :o


well, of course it doesnt, but hte overhead 8" in the back does and it drives the aux in on the d1 ;)


and yes, i like sponge bob, i think wathcig it as a grown up you get a whole other sense of humor from it ;)


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very clean install Bing. I feel ya on the cuts and blood letting. I cut myself at least 7 times somehow with my install. Who knew that plastic could be so sharp? Sort of too bad the install was so difficult would have been a fun possible upgrade project for me.

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