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College ball eh.. yeah, it goes on in Canada too.

I go to my local university, not on account of its proximity, but cause it's the school i've wanted to go since i was about 12. Even before that (1991) the WLU Golden Hawks won the Vanier Cup (Canadian College Champs) and i was there for it.

Now, in my last semeseter of what i now see as a colossal waste of time and money that defines my degree, the Golden Hawks are back playing for the top prize in Canadian college ball!

What a perfect send off. Exactly 5 days before my final final exam of my BA, my schools team will face off for the championship!

My dad and i went to a Notre Dame game last year and it was epic, however, one of the most striking points about that trip was that the student population at ND is only 8,000 students or so, and yet they manage (or have at least) to put together great teams pretty much every year.

Well, my school has 7,000 students vs. a handful of stong schools with over 20,000 students! And with no full academic rides it speaks quite well to the calibre of the school (as pissed at it as i am).


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