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Key Fob Question


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This is probably the total wrong spot to put it, but it isn't performance, cosmetic or maintenance related...

On my '94 when i hit unlock ALL locks were released including trunk.

Now, on the '97 i have to hit unlock twice to get the whole car open. Is there a setting or program i can do to change this?

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I think it's set into the base program of the security system. As far as I know, it is the model year upgrade in the security system that may have occurred in '95 or '96. It's probably not reprogrammable, but maybe a tech can chime in and give you that info.

Can a moderator please move this?

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Move it where? Who the monkey cares if it gets moved... Jesus.

Asinine... it is possible that it is selected from the trunk itself. I know if you turn the key the other way (other than opening it) it changes the function or something. It used to do it in my 940 if I turned it to the other direction it would cut its function off from the main locks... that maybe the same thing you got going on.(well the opposite)

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Awesome, i'll definitly check that trunk turning thing.

My friend is a volvo tech and he's not sure if there is a way around it. Certainly not the end of the world, i'm just still not accustomed to the car not totally unlocking when i hit unlock.

thanks for the tip


feel free to let this die now!

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