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Some Photos...


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So, i went out for the first time in a long time to get a submission for the parking garage shotgun.

Here are some rejects...





Then i stopped by the lube shop i go to that my buddy works at where my friend was rainx'ing his car. Took the opportunity to take a look under the sweetness - but the undercarriage is dirty, so to avoid the criticism I'll only post this pic...


This photo is from last night too


And this photo is a screen shot from The Italian Job


For the record, i do know i need to get rid of my trailer hitch!

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Thanks, and nice PS Ed!

As for The Itailian Job, you do know the original was all in Italy, so by deduction, i think that would put that screenshot from the 'new' one!


haha. I remembered that after I typed it.

nice pics, though

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ahhh sorry, that was the highest resolution. But I can send him a PM with the full size version for him to work his magic. Here's a PS version of my shotgun entry.


lol you actually had me fooled for a second...very basic but cool!

pat, def some nice pics in the mix...if i didn't love my Hubbel backgrounds i'de hit you up for Hi-res...

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