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so first ill say this.. for the holidays i was trying to decide on getting myself an ipod(finally) or maybe a new phone. i started looking and discovered the idea of combining the two as well as several other devices into one.

Ive been reading about the Palmone Treo super-phone, and everything seems to line up, it'll make a fine compatible mp3 player, as well as a phone, pda and baby digicam, all in carrying one device. im just fishing for some first hand experience here. anyone have one?

im looking at the 650 model and my only real worries now are durability(iim really rough on phones) and user friendliness(mp3's still play w/ incoming calls etc etc)

thanks for the help fellow vsers

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I've had my Treo 650 for about 2 months now. Love it. I'm mixed on the Blackberry. Two of my friends have them and I'm not impressed. Far as my Treo its really worht it if you have use of a PDA for work or some how with school. I guess alot of you are still in school. It connects quick with my MIcrosoft Office stuff. The sprint vision access works a hell of a lot faster on it and you can get regular webpage display for the most part like you see on the computer. I've even been on this forum on my Treo. I got the 1GB memory card to go with mine since I wanted to be able to take advantage of the camera and camcorder and MP3s. The MP3 player is Real PLayer and the software to link up the phone is quick and easy. PLays MP3s really well. Far durability...I bought the leather case for it. I just used a holster for my last phone and thats how I lost it so I went with the full protection leather case. The screen isnt fragile and it comes with protective films to put on it. Other than maybe losing the stylus you're not going to break it too easy.

SO yeah I give 2 thumbs up. Blackberry is cheaper but doesnt do as much. SO you have to weigh out cost versus benefit of the extra features.

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everything i read on all these cellphone forums says the treo destroys the blackberry. even acknowledged on some blackberry forum i was on.

apparently the new 700 is going to be windows based and thast causing lots of whines from the enthusiasts.

i got my 650 today, i love it and am very excited, however i think i may have a defective one. NOTHING works, i cannot connect to the internet to save my life, even though im supposed to have a free month of sprint vision service. the bluetooth is not working either, using a mac, each will recognize the other device properly but wont connect. im getting crazy errors while trying, and it claims i cant connect to the internet b/co fm y password/username. when i try to fix it following the instructions, its not even close to what the instructions say. going back, once its all sorted out this will be an AWESOME toy.

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everything i read on all these cellphone forums says the treo destroys the blackberry. even acknowledged on some blackberry forum i was on.

apparently the new 700 is going to be windows based and thast causing lots of whines from the enthusiasts.

i got my 650 today, i love it and am very excited, however i think i may have a defective one. NOTHING works, i cannot connect to the internet to save my life, even though im supposed to have a free month of sprint vision service. the bluetooth is not working either, using a mac, each will recognize the other device properly but wont connect. im getting crazy errors while trying, and it claims i cant connect to the internet b/co fm y password/username. when i try to fix it following the instructions, its not even close to what the instructions say. going back, once its all sorted out this will be an AWESOME toy.

there is a treo coming out in a month or two that is supossed to be way cool!, so maybe get that one. (take your shirt off Pat)

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