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George Bush


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whlie the average hourly rates may have increased, keep in mind that the national minimum wage has not changed in quite a while. its astounding, but i think it was something like 9 years


by the way you guys are doing a very good job at not flaming. i'm glad to see that i haven't had to ban or close a thread. its shows your ability to have a mature conversation.

I'm glad you brought this point up Theresa. I'm not sure how things are in your neck of the woods but around me minimum wage paying jobs are pretty rare. In an expanding economy, worker shortage is more of a problem. Most jobs pay way beyond the minumum wage to attract good workers. I would venture to say that many who start off earning the minimum wage will quickly move out of that bracket as they prove themselves as a worthy employee.


Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2004

According to Current Population Survey estimates for 2004, some 73.9 million American workers were paid at hourly rates, representing 59.8 percent of all wage and salary workers.1 Of those paid by the hour, 520,000 were reported as earning exactly $5.15, the prevailing Federal minimum wage, and another 1.5 million were reported earning wages below the minimum.2 Together, these 2.0 million workers with wages at or below the minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly-paid workers.

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but from a PR point of view, he's a disaster. As an outsider whose opinion on a country is greatly affected by the actions and utterances of its leaders, I almost feel that america is a bunch of illiterate bumbling idiots who totally "misoverestimate" their leader. Never mind the florida votes fiasco...

The term is misunderestimate. The PR you see and hear about is from a disjointed, imploding, out of favor party seeking relevance. When you have a media that is mostly run by socialists, conservatives are not going to get good press coverage. What is bad for America they believe is good for them politically. Not all Republicans are 100% perfect politicians for sure, but neither are the Democrats. If one should fail, that does not make the other party automatically the better one. Trust needs to be earned and the party needs to have a fixed platform where the citizens/voters can see the direction of their leadership.

Politics is very dirty to watch closely. You have to sit back and look at it from a distance to see the beauty of a democracy. With all the disagreements and arguments between the parties, this is still the greatest nation on earth.

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Politics is very dirty to watch closely. You have to sit back and look at it from a distance to see the beauty of a democracy. With all the disagreements and arguments between the parties, this is still the greatest nation on earth.

agreed...however...the 'two-party' system has failed us and will continue to fail us as long as people willfully ingest and digest the false world and false sense of security being fed to us like slaughter hogs.

Peace be with you all.

I'm out of this useless thread.


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War? What war?

We WON that war, remember? Bush was on the Lincoln and boasted that the war was not only over, but we won! Remember, he wore a flight suit and everything, just like the real soldiers who really risked their lives. Might as well have slapped them across the face.

Now, how many suffering families later...

As a lifelong (and, compared to most of this board, VERY long) Republican, I'm embarassed and ashamed of my party. GW is a disgrace, and has forced me to question my choice of parties. And I'm a pro-business entrepreneur.



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War? What war?

We WON that war, remember? Bush was on the Lincoln and boasted that the war was not only over, but we won! Remember, he wore a flight suit and everything, just like the real soldiers who really risked their lives. Might as well have slapped them across the face.

Now, how many suffering families later...

As a lifelong (and, compared to most of this board, VERY long) Republican, I'm embarassed and ashamed of my party. GW is a disgrace, and has forced me to question my choice of parties. And I'm a pro-business entrepreneur.



Come join the force fakey... democrats +1

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The iraqi war was a joke to begin with. Operation "Enduring Freedom"? lol They have their freedom what else are we doing there. Also, somehow everyone or a vast majority of the conservatives believe that Iraq is the terror powerhouse in the world when in fact Bin Laden, the guy that actually bombed the WTC, not husien (by the way, whens the last time u heard about him, guess we are still looking) is from Saudi Arabia. Bush wont say shti about Saudi Arabia because of the Oil but the fact still remains that that country is the home of some of the most powerfull terrorists in the entire world. I dont see Bush handling his business there? Also, if you want to get rid of a lot of the terrorists in the world Bush should look at africa. In nearly every nation there is some form of genocide. Bush only helps those nations with money or oil.

I am not a hardcore Democrat and i think that anyone that is is pretty dumb. People like that cannot see both sides of the picture, but i have to say, BUSH is a complete FCKU!!!!

And i remeber u starfish, i got into an argument with you a while back, you're pretty much a douche. Have a great day.

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