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Star Wars Or Star Trek?


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Star Trek sucks, and will forever suck.

STAR WARS rules.

Ah,kids of the 80's.You just don't know a good thing when ya see it.Beam me up Scotty! :P

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I prefer Star Wars. That chinese guy came out happy. Hes all over the news. Star Wars would destroy Star Trek if they were happen to fight. What do ya'll think??

So what your saying is that you do not like Star Trek because that guy was gaay?........

if that is what you are saying, I say you are totally stupid.

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I like both equally as well. I also dig SG1, SG Atlantis, and BSG.

<waits for the obligatory Kevin "geek" comment> ;)

I like the SG series but can't get into BSG for some reason.

Never been much of a starwars fan either.

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star trek Next Gen is a really good show, very philosophical.

star wars is good...in the first three episodes..

my ranking would be STNG=SWepisode 4 5 6 > SW 123 = ST Deep space Nine > all other ST

as for a fight and who wins?

its easy, star trek would kill star wars...

i can just see it already, a swarm of little one man figher firing little lasers and stuff at a shielded klingon battle cruiser, lol...i am sure thats gonna do a lot...

but i think space balls will take them all! that huge vacuum is the best

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