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What An Awful Night!


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Man, last night was awful. Probably my second least favourite night of the year for me, and that might not even be true, cause my first least favourite night was when i hit the deer in my old 854, but even that was a fun night till i hit the deer.

I went to my 'part-time' jobs christmas party (all blue collar making TOO much money) with this fellow 'student' friend who happens to be 35. I was totally pumped about going with what i expected to be a pretty easy and decent looking cougar. I'm 24, so that would have been 1/2 of my decade club certification.

Anyhow, i picked her up after washing the ice off the wagon and we went to the gala affair. I intended to drive home so only had 2 beers. Within 10 minutes of getting there my date and her friend (the friend was the date of someone with a bit of authority) took off the the bathroom to play ring around the toilet bowl.

I mingled with some friends from work. Strengthened my contacts there with some important people and just mingled observing some really hammered people. Two hammered people really stood out though

1) this married with kids lady. Her husband works on the other shift, and the gossip is that things are kinda rough for them. Well she got PLASTERED and was clinging to every guy in sight, from apparently necking some dude 5' from her husband to sitting on other dudes laps and stuff. Mind you she did look GREAT, until you saw how bad she was swaying.

2) another student friend who has a propensity to take her shirt off was plasterd and whenever she saw me, definitly made use of me to hold her up. Now i'm 6'1" and she's 5'6"ish and she's right on me, so to look at her when she talks means i'm also staring right into her great set of 19 year old boobs. That's all fine and good, until her ULTRA jelous boyfriend catches up to her (this happened like 3 or 4 times). At first it was "Merry Christmas" then it was "Hey" and by the end of the night he wouldn't even make eye contact with me when he came over to demand something of her. Anyhow, this chick was so hammered she knocked over this japanese decoration, like totally destroyed it.

So, there were lots of drunk people. Moreover, a lot of the really hot girls i wanted to see i couldn't find. One chick (i think the hottest the company has ever hired - at least as far as summer students go) said she'd kick my jerk if i didn't show up, so i'm not too upset about not being able to find her.

Anyhow, after about 1.5 hours of compiling the cougar and the other couple we started to make our way back to the car.

When we get there the girls start smoking (i hate smoking) and the dude pisses off the back corner of my car (i hope didn't hit the car). Then he's standing there getting his pants back on and falls right over this 4' high concrete baracade (when we brought it up later in the... morning he didn't even remember). I brush off the car and we pile in and head out.

About half way back to their hotel the dude starts smoking in my car. Now he's drunk and mad, so i just put his window down and internalized my anger.

Then we get to the hotel and go up to the room. I really just wanted to drop them off cause there was a keg party i could still hit (we are at 1:20am), but the date of the dude tells me she wants me to stay cause this guy is SUPER drunk and getting kind of violent.

I go up and grab a newspaper and start reading through it while the girls steal some nose candy and do some rails. All the while fighting about where the guys key fob is so someone can go grab the beer from his car. Finally that gets solved and i have a cold Bud (GROSS!). Then we sit around while everyone sporatically yells at everyone else, cuts more lines and stuff.

Then another one of my co-workers shows up, his wife is passed out 3 floors above so he brings his drunk yelling jerk down to our room and starts going on about the drama at work with one of our bosses. LAME!

FINALLY at like 3:45 i wrigled my way out of that hotel room to go home. The cougar was like "you can stay at my place and i'll come with you" and i was like "i'm allergic to your cats, i'm going home" - how unattractive is a coke-head, smoking cougar!?

So i leave and come home. My throat is sore from all the smoke, and my clothes stink. I hung my suit in the hall cause it stunk so bad, and had to spray Axe effect in my hair to have it not stink - sure i could have showered, but i was exhausted.

Anyhow, that's my christmas party story. What an AWFUL night!

Also, a button my my blazer broke. And when the coke heads were passing around the idiot put his 'surface' down in front of an open window so chuncks of coke got blown on my pants! I feel so violated!

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I don't drink or smoke,but I do copulate whenever possible.After they put me thru all that nonsense,I would have had to knock off a piece,unattractive behavior or not,as long as she was hot,so as too end the night with a bang! :P

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Trust me i would have loved to kick him out, in fact i would have loved to bail solo about an hour before i left with this bunch of retards!

Unfortunatly, i need to keep the dude on my side for when I get back to work there. And by tolerating that stuff, not to mention his probably shame for putting me in that situation i scored some HUGE points!

That dude is like morgan freeman in shawshank. He can get things, so now that he owes me, i can tolerate the single cigarette. Also, when i was out in the car today it hardly smelt at all, and after breakfast farts with my friends who were drinking last night, i'd probably prefer that smell

Oh one more thing.. the birch i went to the thing with had her poking feet on my dash on the way to the hotel. I'm supposed to call her today, f-that.

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Well thats unlucky mate, i had our works Xmas party last night and it was awesome, nice fillet steak in a smart restaurant, then onto a fantastic club, reserved tables, perfect view of the entertainment, cheap beers, good disco, good night had by all.

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she put her feet up on your dash?!!?1 omgwtfbbq.....

actually, i yell at people when they do, cause i just have to end up cleaning the sneaker marks off of it. i think it's okay if they have their shoes off, but def not with shoes.

anyways. coke is horrible stuff. drugs are bad.... mmkay. lol.

smoking in the car. eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww. kick his jerk out.

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