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Best Audio Buy I've Had For A Long Time


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So Ive been watching this pair of MbQuarts and GoodGuys for the last two weeks. They're the PCE216's 6.75" 2 way components. They are going to be sooooo sweet. Today was GoodGuys last day in business so as soon as I found all the x-overs/components/etc I walked up and bargained for them. I got away for $46 taxed! They retail for ~$300 or so. Now I just need to figure out where Im gonna put them.

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i persoanlly cannot stand mb quart, way too harsh...i have never heard a set of quarts i liked, and that includes stuff i have isntalled, or installed by other people.

i am really critical of harsh highs, even on the lowest tweet settting, all the Q sets i have done have sounded too harsh...

i think one ofhte reaons why they do well in sound quality competitiion is that hey are very detailed, and the judges dont get to hear the car for pro long periods fo time...but for a daily driver, mb quarts just cause too much listneing fatigue...

again, this is just my opinion, and i do recogize that mb quarts are a hgih quality speaker, though of course now they are owned by the same company that owns crunch , so we will see what direction they take :)

harshness is the same reason why i dont like bostons :) smooth upper midrange and hgihs are the most important to me, whcih is why i love brands like AVI, morel and DLS :)


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harsh highs gets tedious on the ears.. kappas are similar sigh..

what you dont like hearing chi chi chi chi chi chs csh csh csh all the time? (dougs crappy symbol impresenation) :lol::lol: mah hatred for infinities runs deep.

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