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Stevens Fireball


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Did anyone else go skiing at Stevens Pass this Sat and happen to drive past that silver STI that had crashed and engulfed itself in flames? It was the craziest Hollywood come to life thing i;ve ever seen. MY firend and I were driving up in his bimmer and we came around the corner about 3 miles down from the hill and saw the suby on f-ing fire! There were 20 foote flames coming out of all four doors and the hood. Sorry dudes, no pics as I couldnt get the camera phone out in time. plus it blew up again right as we passed it so im glad the window wasn't rolled down. Drive safely bros! -reid

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Maybe this is a good lesson to keep a small fire extinguisher in the trunk?

I keep mine under the seat.

There was a video on here a few months back of some kids driving while thier VW catches on fire. They just let it burn and keep filming.

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