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850 R Front Seats


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I've had my R for about 9 months now and it's been causing me problems. Im just to big for the seat.

When I test drove some R's I noticed some had softer side bolstering so that it would collapse flat so to speak when sitting on them. The T5R's are a different kettle of fish I believe.

Mine are very firm - i.e. they do not collapse at all, so I end up with my legs sitting half on the side bolsters.

It may well be that mine is a Japanese spec car - where most are from Singapore.

Can anyone give me feedback as to what there R's have I.e is the side bolstering soft/hard?

I'm getting the seat modified to fit me, but I will only go for soft foam if that is what should be there, otherwise I will spend the $$ and get them shaped. I would like to keep the interior as stock as possible.



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I'm 6'2 190 lbs.

That's why I'm asking are your side bolsters hard or do they deform when you sit on them. When I was looking for an R I remember one having quite soft side bolsters. Mine doesn't.

The only person these seats don't cause problems for are my wife who is 5'2 and 85 lbs

My little Renault Clio sport has better seats.

I'm trying to establish if these seats have been tampered with already.

As far as changing seats - I love the R alcantara centers - and I can get it modified no problem. It's also a major PITA as far as regulations etc go because it is them a modified vehicle blah blah blah.

So are the side bolsters on your R seats hard or do they deform? I thought it was a simple question :P

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I'm 6'2 190 lbs.

That's why I'm asking are your side bolsters hard or do they deform when you sit on them. When I was looking for an R I remember one having quite soft side bolsters. Mine doesn't.

The only person these seats don't cause problems for are my wife who is 5'2 and 85 lbs

My little Renault Clio sport has better seats.

I'm trying to establish if these seats have been tampered with already.

As far as changing seats - I love the R alcantara centers - and I can get it modified no problem. It's also a major PITA as far as regulations etc go because it is them a modified vehicle blah blah blah.

So are the side bolsters on your R seats hard or do they deform? I thought it was a simple question :P

I'm 6' 190... and they don't cause me any trouble at all. my seats are practically brand new... Hrmmm

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I think this is the FIRST complaint I have ever heard about Volvo seats.

Sell them for regular T5 seats, or I am sure could find someone to trade you.

Yup, much easier and cheaper than having anything custom done.

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Firstly thanks for all the feedback.

Don't get me wrong, the seats are otherwise comfortable, just a bit tight for my butt and legs.

The first thing that caused all this was the fact that the drivers seat was leaning out and back. The right hand rear of the seat was 10-15mm lower than the left. So I have fixed that. but it has triggered off all sorts of funny things in my hips/legs.

I went to the doctor thinking I was getting a hernia - yes I was in that much pain. It was all just spassmed muscles - thank goodness.

So I'm working through all this, but the seat just doesn't fit me like the other R's that I test drove - I just thought that because these seats were in better condition - they hadn't collapsed with age. I am now thinking that the seats have been modified with hard foam. Lets just say that they are not side bolsters, but under 1/2 my leg bolsters.

My renault seats are 320mm wide on the flat part before the side bolsters come into play. The Volvo is only 270ish, and they rise on about a 45 degree angle.

Heres a good old text picture

Renualt seat ()______() Vovlo Seat (O\____/O).

As far as getting the seat modified - it's only getting the foam reshaped - nothing major. Why would I put T5 seats in an R and have a miss matched interior for the sake of $200 US to get the seat how I want it.

This is probably made worse buy the fact that the suspension needs doing (waiting on end links and weitec kit) and my driving requires that I sit in the seat, not on it.

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Hmm, mine are like this too, just a bit to narrow under the thighs so it makes my legs sit a little higher than in my other cars.

I must say, these seats seem the hardest of seats to get into a good position. I'd like it to go a bit lower at the back as I like to have the whole seat rocked back a bit but this brings the front of the seat up too high...

Maybe a pair of fixed back sparcos will solve this issue :)

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There's only one Aussie in here and it aint me. You Canadian :P

As far as the sailing no americans have beaten us in the real cup only the swiss with a kiwi aftergaurd!

I'll get some pickys up tonight - although it will not solve anything.

Ozzy, sounds like were are having similar problems - were obviously not used to driving around in trucks :D

So far Ozzy and Mesoam have answered my original question - well done :pizza:

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Well Mr Underlord, do you really know how helpful you were!

i'm startin to think the Aussies can't get comfy. :P

Let me re-phrase that.

i'm startn to think the RHD boys can't get comfy.

Its the seating position that is all wrong. I sat in the passenger seat and thought - "Hmm this is snug but comfy"

Proceeded to do some measurements etc - nope the seat is exactly the same.

Sat in the drivers seat - "Hang on, if I sit in it like a chair and forget about having to use the pedals and steering wheel, it isn't all that bad" What? "My left foot lines up with the brake! Not even where a clutch would be but the actual brake!"

More measurements were taken - bloody seat is at least 15mm off centre to the steering wheel, never mind sitting my left foot on the foot rest a hundred miles away.

I have been sitting more on the left of the seat in order to get comfy for the pedals and wheel. Considering I more than fit the seats anyway(fat arse, big thighs) - its putting way more pressure on my left butt cheek and leg.

So I check my little Clio - perfect line-up! Mate the French can get it right but the Swedish can't - go figure.

Ozzy, I'd be really interested to see if this is the same on yours. Or anyone else actually. I'm thinking its more the pedals that are screwing things up rather than the steering wheel, and it probably does not come into play quite the same on a LHD car.

Get the levels and tape measures out boys!

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