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Car On Fire


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stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff!!!

Dude. sorry that happened :(

Makes me think maybe keeping a fire extinguisher mounted in the trunk is a good idea? This is kinda scary, and I think you should talk to volvo about it.

again sorry ... kinda meks me want to cry :(

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That really sucks man. Glad you are ok, and hopefully you can work things out with your insurance company.

I highly doubt that Volvo will take any responsibility on this one, since they are only required to notify the owners of vehicles who have filled out the owner registration cards (included with the owners manual & original accompanying documentation). I filled mine out as soon as I got my car, and have received two recall letters from Volvo (about the heated seats and the fuel tank heat shield). However, once Volvo sends out notification, it is the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle to bring the car in to have the recall service performed. It's also the responsibilty of car owners to check and see on their own what recalls have been made for their car, and then to bring it in for service. The only way I could see Volvo taking blame is if you sent in the new owner registration card before the recall for the heated seats was announced, and they never sent you a recall notice. Otherwise, you are most likely on your own with your insurance company.

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I would retain an attorney and have them look into it. They will have the resources to throughly investigate the recall and what happened to your car. If you retain the attorney on lien, there would be no cost to you if nothing comes of it. Outstide of doing that, your insurance company should compensate you for the car, and they too will investigate this in terms of the recall.

Gregg- If this is approached right, Volvo could be held liable and would most reasonably settle it in order to avoid the public visibility. If he is saying he took the car to the dealer for service and they told him of no outstanding recall repair that needed to be done, then yes Volvo would be liable. If the item had been fixed under recall and failed again, Volvo would also be liable.

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I keep a fire extinguisher in all of my cars. You never know if you or someone else might need it.

stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff!!!

Dude. sorry that happened :(

Makes me think maybe keeping a fire extinguisher mounted in the trunk is a good idea? This is kinda scary, and I think you should talk to volvo about it.

again sorry ... kinda meks me want to cry :(

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As has been said before, those photos are much worse than i would have assumed from your casual description!

All the best!

I think here a vehicle can't change posession unless all outstanding recalls have been performed?! I could be wrong!?

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