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Oil On The Bottom Of The Turbo. Doesn't Look Like The Return Line


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Got oil dripping from the bottom of the turbo. Have had this problem forever. The leak is minimal so I've not done anything. Suspecting the common turbo return line problem, I've got the seal+gasket and ready to fix it. But it doesn't appear to be the problem upon inspection.

It looks like it is coming from the clamp on the left of the picture. You can see in the picture that the turbo return line gasket + line both look clean.



I've never seen other turbo return line leaks before (whether one can clearly see a trace of leak coming from the gasket/line). I thought I check with the experts before I take the next diagnostic step.

I should also mention that when I take off the turbo pipe (the one over the top of the cylinder head between turbo and intercooler), I can see oil inside the hose on top of the turbo that mates to the turbo pipe.

Don't know much about construction of turbos. But it doesn't seem right having oil in the air channel. Saw another post also observing this condition. Maybe it is common for this car?

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Got oil dripping from the bottom of the turbo. Have had this problem forever. The leak is minimal so I've not done anything. Suspecting the common turbo return line problem, I've got the seal+gasket and ready to fix it. But it doesn't appear to be the problem upon inspection.

It looks like it is coming from the clamp on the left of the picture. You can see in the picture that the turbo return line gasket + line both look clean.


I thought I check with the experts before I take the next diagnostic step.

I should also mention that when I take off the turbo pipe (the one over the top of the cylinder head between turbo and intercooler), I can see oil inside the hose on top of the turbo that mates to the turbo pipe.

.. it doesn't seem right having oil in the air channel. Saw another post also observing this condition. Maybe it is common for this car?

I really can't tell where the oil is leaking from your pictures, I would suggest you use some non flammable solvent and clean it thoroughly with a stiff brisle brush. Some brake cleaners sprays will do a good job and not attack plastics. You can then tie some string around various areas and let one end dangle down a few inches, this will act like a wick and the string nearest the leak will collect the most oil and drip. You can get so much air whipping around that it just spreads the oil to the point you can't be certain unless you get things really clean.


Usually the PCV valve is located near the throttle plate or dumps into the intake manifold so to find oil in the intake near the turbo is not good news for the only source can be the intake turbine seal. If it's not difficult to pull the hose off the intake and look inside for oil then this will confirm the seal is leaking. You can grab the end of the shaft and try to wiggle it, if there is any appreciable play then you will need to have the turbo rebuilt. It is not beyond the scope of a car owner willing to get involved in a rebuild to do it themselves. You will need to mark the shaft and turbine wheel so you can get them back as close to exactly where mounted, You can't be banging on delecate parts for if you damage some rotating piece or bushing/bearing it can spoil a good job. If you find out everything there is to know about the turbo it's possible the basic parts are use on other cars where you can buy a rebuild kit for $120-$175 rather than saying you want a Volvo kit. I believe the earlier models (740) turbos were the same as an Eagle Talon/Mitsubishi Eclipse with some minor diffrences. If you or anyone else are interested in seeing some online pictures of a rebuild I can probably dig up a url.

Keep us posted of what you find.


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The pcv dumps into our systems right where the fresh air intake pipe enters the turbo, so it's not unusual to get oil blow-by to accumulate over the course of time. I'm unfamiliar with the pcv setup on the P2 series, but this is the way it is on 94-00 850 and 70 series turbo models.

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The pcv dumps into our systems right where the fresh air intake pipe enters the turbo, so it's not unusual to get oil blow-by to accumulate over the course of time. I'm unfamiliar with the pcv setup on the P2 series, but this is the way it is on 94-00 850 and 70 series turbo models.

Thanks for correcting me, I should have guessed for I had read there was a bleed hole in the Intercooler just to drain the oil. Hmmm that presents a problem, guess he could insert an oil trap/catch can in the PCV circuit. Since the PCV is not designed to adjust for turbo pressure and still purge the crankcase he has little choice unless he want's to make some more radical modifications. I have no idea if the catch can would also cause some turbo lag but it sure makes diagnosing the leak a problem.

Does anyone know what the oil pressure should be at the turbo? I can't think of any other way but to plug one side and pressurize the the other preferably off the car to see if it drips from the shaft seals. Ideas?



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