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ok so in the NE (dont make any dumb NE SUCKS jokes cause they are way over played) we have rediculous squirrels

i mean rediculous

apparently, when winter comes and some squirrels havent gotten enough food for winter, they begin eating anything that they can find they chewed through 5 yes 5 trashcans and actually chewed all the lines on my brothers volvo causing him much much $ in repairs and they are found running out from under my car often (garage is for my moms car only)

my dad says moth balls work but i throw them under every few days with no results

i swear if these frickin things cause me a crapload of money i dont have, i will be pissed

my dad talked to a mechanic and said that there is some odor or look to the volvo lines (running underneath the car) that make it appealing to squirrels, way more than on other cars

have you guys heard of this/know what to do

its really a bad problem and i was thinking of putting some type of wrapping and holding it on VIA zip ties and checking it each weekend

thanks guys

happy holidays everybody!

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That's some pretty f'ed up news!

I know squirrels chew their way into my attic almost every year, but never through anything on my car, or any of the Volvos that had been parked there over the past decade or so!?

I'd be WAY more pissed if they got to my car then i am about them on/in my house!

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I know squirrels chew their way into my attic almost every year, but never through anything on my car, or any of the Volvos that had been parked there over the past decade or so!?

HAHA!!! We have the same problem. They got in through the attic vents so we put up some chicken wire. Now they're chewing through the wood along the side to get in :angry:

We leave them some poision that when they eat it makes them thirsty. The water+poision= :tup:

Good bye fluffy rats!

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Dumb question. But do they make squirrel size mouse traps? Or something like it.

I believe the "Have-a-heart" traps come large enough for what you need. Home improvement mega-stores should have you covered. I probably wouldn't leave it under the car though. You might end up dragging it down the road a ways.

I have seen the very large rat traps which is probably what you're thinking of, though. I don't know how effective it would be.

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I had a mole problem. Used a shotgun the problem went away.

Dumb question. But do they make squirrel size mouse traps? Or something like it.


i saw that post and was just amazed

well ill figure something out

knives work ive heard, you know just a little shanking is in order

thanks anyway guys

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I redid a bunch of trim on my house to keep them out, but they found a way in, then got around some chicken wire.

We try all sorts of stuff. Old peanut butter containers with rat poision stuck to the peanut butter, sealing off their entrances, and now my housemate brought home his pellet gun from his cottage and has successfully executed one!!

As for 'have a heart' traps - F it! Squirrels deserve to be tortured!!!

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