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"Project 6"


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Cars are like a big lego set... more like an erector set for those of you that remember what that was!!! I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed (wife will agree on that), but I started way back when by taking something off and putting it back on.... what is the worst that can happen??? You take it to a shop and they fix your screw-up. At least you have learned something.

So are you suggesting i try to remove parts of my car and put them back on until something goes wrong? :ph34r:

jk. i know what you mean. I believe in taking off and putting back on parts of my SISTERS car. Not that we're going to tell her about that one... :ph34r:

Im sure you'll be able to get your goal easily... What come of the car after you attain 500 hp? Keep it as a play car? Im sure i could convince my dad we need another volvo :lol:

It would be a shame if the tranny really was the limiting factor.... To bad your budget isnt high enough to find someway to come up with a custom solution that would be able to support 500 hp all the time....though im sure another weak link in the chain would quickly become evident.

Is there no possiblity of problem with the engine mounts having some type of catastrophic failure? We wouldnt want your new 500 hp engine ripping itself from your car now would we..... I think my dad actualy had that problem back in the day when he tried to hotrod the huge V8 he squezed under the hood of his 1950 pickup....something went wrong with the tranny and the motor actualy ripped itself from the mounts and ended up grinidng along the pavement for a good hundered yard.... Not thats going to happen here...

Anyways, looks good. Keep up the good work.

ps: can you immagine how Darn expensive this whole thing would be if you had to pay labor at an auto shop?? jeeez....

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So I get the cell phone of the owner. He listens to my dilemma. He drops what he is doing to help me and cut me a deal on “Pro”. He gets the shipping company on the phone. And then he ‘fesses up the $60.00 shipping difference. I’m saying that he made a great customer experience. I told him I would make up that $60.00 by buying only from him in the future and telling my friends about the great service (and hopefully great product). :D

Second Skin has set up their initial distributor/retailers just two months ago and I’m sure that you will see their name more as they grow. I just wanted to share with you the difference between the two vendors. I will try to cancel my FatMat order (if they pick up the phone). If not, I’ll use FatMat in my trunk or as a second layer on the floor boards.


Scott C.

OUTSTANDING! Thanks for the writeup and links. Your writeup along with the realization of the seriousness of my mold problem has motivated me to gut my interior sanitize it then 'damplify' it.

I'll be calling Anthony first thing Monday to order product and I'll be sure to mention your name.

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Tendancy, et al:

I have no stake in their business, but just relaying a great experience dealing with them. As for the material, it is quite easy to work with. Easier than the foam type materials I've dealt with in the past. That being said - it is still a lot of work!!!

Second Skin uses Butyl based materials and the smell is pretty much non-existent :) . FatMat - although cheaper, is tar-based and I've read threads about the tar-smell. I'm supposed to receive 100 sq. ft. of FatMat this Friday - ONE MONTH after ordering it. Luckily, I will use it to finish out my doors and do the entire trunk... so smell shouldn't be too bad.

Second Skin doesn't come with any directions (maybe because he shipped it in hurried haste) but make sure the surface is clean. Use a degreaser like Simple Green diluted with water. Then vacuum (flat surfaces) to pick up any dirt, etc. Do a final wipe with Acetone, wait a few minutes and wipe with a clean dry cloth. The material will stick really well. Make sure there aren't any air bubbles either.

Great stuff - a lot of work!!! Keep us posted on your project!!!

Scott C.

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This is an awesome thread! Sound deadening makes such a huge difference.

I used a product called RaamMat, good stuff, no smell, easy to use, a LOT cheaper than Dynamat.

Yeah - I'm also going to order two rolls (cheap) of OverKill from Second Skin and lay that on top of the stuff I just installed. Net result should be superb!

Scott C.

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All that stuff works well...but nothing has ever felt as solid as my dynamat extreme. 1 layer has been better than 2-3 layers of Fatmat...Im using fatmat now just because I got it for free. Just my .02

That's why I went with Damplier Pro over the FatMat. But FatMat is still coming in so there's 100 sq ft I can use. Dynamat, Damplier, Raamat are all pretty good. I'm just going to use up the FatMat in the trunk and on my Camry.

Scott C.

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Ok guys - I haven't been loafing off too much. I mentioned that I would try to get the dash in on the weekend and I didn't post yesterday. Well, that is because I ran into a couple more things with the dash and I took a jaunt up to CJ's place. Awesome guy and an awesome 855!!!

SO notice this cracked up defrost vent panel. You know... if I have the sucker out and I've done all this work, I just can't put it back in there and stare at those cracks.


So I took another day to do something about it. I sent the wife on a mission (...to find a new wife. :lol::lol::lol: Just kidding). I needed 6 feet of good quality black felt. I made a quick attempt of covering that plastic part and it looked really good.


OOoopsss... but then I thought about it. Will the air really vent through that felt effectively??? If I put in on high, will the felt puff upward or come completely out??? So I sprayed some 3M heavy duty glue under it. Dummy me... I just pushed it right down and the glue seeped through and left a splotch about as appealing as a Monica Lewinski evening dress :lol::lol::lol:. There has to be a better way than this. So... out it came (... uhhh... no pun intended).

So first mask off the areas you don't want the 3M heavy duty spray glue.


Then I tuck the felt into the seem of the vent assembly and the dash. Nice and tight. I basically used my handy dandy flexible PPO insurance card but a Costco card may work similar results.


Now I shoot a bit of that glue on there and let it setup about 2 minutes. Nice and tacky... just like Monica (man I kill myself!!!! :lol: ).


Then I just lay up the felt and tuck it into the top seems. Felt goes down and stays down. Just trim out the edges.


I then took a very sharp Xacto knife (cause felt doesn't like to cut in straight lines) and I cut along the seam of the vent holes. Using my insurance card, I tucked the edges down into the vent between the little vent tabs. Holds great.... I hope!!! Here is a pick of the finished product. Those small slotches actually disappeared over night :D


A couple of keen reminders:

Do not use a valid insurance card. I now have to request a replacement one!

Do not hold a very sharp Xacto knife in your mouth... not even for a moment.

Do not huff the glue fumes until AFTER your project is complete! :lol:

OK, so I let all that glue setup and cure over night. I came home early today and I wrestled the dash back into the car. Not fun, but looks great. Again, everything was cleaned with Simple Green and a toothbrush before reinstalling. I shot that felt with some ScotchGuard hopefully to kill all them Gamma rays from the sun that might fade that felt. Here it is. I still gotta wire up everything, but this was enough for one night!!!


Ciao - Scott C.

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i think someone should make a carbon fiber vent panel. that would look truly awesome. probably cost a lot, but whateva!

p.s. what's that small switch down by the kick panel in the last pic.... fuel pump cut?

Dang you guys are nosey huh!!! That small switch is... uh... my 6-71 Blower switch. Nah... just my cut out for the alarm system. OK - now that everyone and their brother knows how to turn my alarm off... I gotta get more insurance coverage!!!

Don't worry... replacing the alarm anyway.

Scott C.

PS - don't give me any ideas on a CF vent panel... I'm dumb enough to try it!!!!

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I don't understand why it wouldn't hold...

Anyways, think of the felt as a squeek deterrent!! :)

FREAKING dash squeeks KILLLLL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Car lloks very good, and I bet it is VERY quiet in there with the doors closed haha

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whoa attack of the gigantic pictures!! haha, lookin great! I think it'd be interesting to do some DB testing just to see how much quieter you've made the car over stock.

Yeah - I really gotta tone down them pictures.... Next time around.

I wish I could have done some before and after tests to publish the results to the board. Oh well... next 850 project I'll do that.

Scott C.

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