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"Project 6"


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I'd rather explain SARS to my wife versus something else :huh:

I'm sitting in Changi Airport on my way home. Time to get this project rollin'

Scott C.

PS - I just picked up a new Motorola "Motokrzr" K1, anyone wanna buy it?

Just make sure you're feeling better before you start this project up again. I've learned many times that you're prone to make more mistakes when you feel sick and/or tired.

As for the phone, why not keep it for yourself and give me the car when it's finished? What do you need a car for when you've got a nifty phone like that around?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update - So, the imfamous Doug K just stopped by my house to pick up most of my engine parts (bolts, piping, oil pan, etc.). He also grabbed my Turbo which by way looks great all put together!

So - Head should be complete next week. Doug is going to start the bottom end and should be ready for the head at that time. He say he may have the engine complete by Dec 1st. I will cart the M66 up to his place and we will assemble the clutch/trans/engine all together, wrestle it into the back of the wifes SUV and get it back to the shop. If I make it that far, its all about taking some of that PTO time and getting the thing into the car and all hooked up again. May be on the road by Christmas?

Scott C.

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