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Happy New Year


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I blew up a bunch of the stuff I bought when I went thru South Carolina with the R.

I decided to be the DD last night, so I did'nt really have that good of a time since I was babysitting 7 drunks but it was the right decision. Drove all of them [8 of us total] around in the R. Only parts that sucked really was when someone [i'm suspecting my ex-gf or her current boyfriend, who were with us] sat in some dirt and than sat on the hood of my car. I was able to buff most of the scratches out thank god.

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I was asleep untill 8 am. First it was party, then another one, then 12 am, champagne, then more vodka and more and more, then we went to stevens pass to see snow, only two designated drivers. was fun, I just woke up, and still tired and hangover. alright see ya

happy new year

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