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Need Part Number


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I know this thread has been beaten to death, but searching never works for me, so save the flaming!!

What's the OEM part number for the two socket thing you need with clear 2 light corners.

Is it included with ANY corners? i bough EST corners, and i assume i need this additional piece w/o ghetto fabbing something else.

Thanks in advance!

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The e-code socket part number is 9133105, and yes you will need them. Not sure if the EST ones come with the sockets though?

of course if the EST ones do, then i won't need them right?

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Yeah...but as much as the EST corners cost, I would think they would come with the sockets!

Same diff between EST and VPTuning isn't it?

And i won't have to pay insane duty on stuff from down the street (EST)

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