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Custom Xm Install


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Ok folks, my first fabrication is pretty much done. All that's left is to solder some power to the cigarette lighter and tuck everything away.

Here is what i am looking at so far. It should go up and tilt up a bit when installed, but so far it seems as thought it will stand up at least for a little while.



Finished pics should come tomorrow, although it's gonna suck to solder in the car!? :(

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i would have fabricated it so that it comes out from the bottom and folds up... but what ever works :)

i gotta finish that project of mine of that in car PC :ph34r:

looks good tho man, good luck with soldering, take lots of news paper. and don't breathe the stuff in... lol

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I needed it low cause if it were much higher then it would be covering too much of my HU. You'll neve see the ugly metal piece casue the only thing that will get removed will be silver part, but the harness will always be on. I put the braket on the outside because you'll never see it there, you can still see into the pocket, and my metal work needs some .. well .. work!?

Gotta get my act together and get out in this miserable weather!

At least i'll be soldering over winter mats, not the carpet ones!

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I went to soldering school with the steel workers from the simpsons... all i wear is assless chaps!!

I was just out there and ran the wire for the antenna itself (to the front - 855) and i'm happy with that, but my assface housemate has hidden my toolbox so i can't find a soldering iron!!!

And i was just looking at it, and i didn't realize how far that ashtray comes out - might be some issues there!? any by might be i mean probably will be!

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OK my little ladies.

Everything is in, and only one problem exists, but i'll tolerate it..

Here is a pic in anti-theft mode:


Here is a pic in full a/v mode:


The only problem is that i wired the voltage damener right to a live line, so that even when the car is off the XM could stay on, or even if turned off the led on the cigarette adapter that is now burried in my dash is on.

Oh well.

Best part - other than it being awesome is that the drawer still opens!!!! :D

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Oh, it doesn't fold away, it's just removable from the carrier.

Like i can take it inside and use it in the house or whatever.

The iPod is very important since it's hooked up and i control it through the HU!?

I'm really happy with the set up, just as long as my car keeps starting!

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