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Volvo Related Emblems


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Well i don't know if you recall but on my last car i had an iPd grille with the T-5 logo on it


Anyway, i'm working with iPd to see if they'll give me a break on my new one since i didn't have my first one for more than 10 months before bambi made it a cheese grader!

Anyhow, does anyone have any suggestions as to a cool volvo related badge i could use instead of the t-5? If nothing great comes up, i'll use it again, but would like a bit of variety.. i already know the T-5 looked awesome!

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I bet if i could find that chromish one i'd be able to rock it like a P I M P!

That being said, if i can't find it, it will be possibly moving "T-5" from the back of my car to the front, or in a worst case scenario, leaving it until something cooler floats my boat!

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