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Est Clear Turn Signals


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Ok, for a while i've Franks clear turn signals sitting and collecting dust at my place, and was under the impression that i'd need to buy that socket everyone is saying you need with the VPTuning set.

Well i got the part number (thanks to whoever provided that) of the socket and sent it off to my Volvo parts guy. He was trying to get a grasp of what exactly it was so i ripped open the light and ta-da, the part number 9133105 is printed on the back of the socket that came with the set.

The socket included from EST looks like this:


Isn't that the required part, and included in the set!??!?!

Franks details on this part are.... wait for it..... here

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So, they ended up coming with the EST set, or you managed to get them from Volvo? I didn't quite understand your post, but either way, awesome that you got em!


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Dude(s) I'm taking dirty pics in like 30 hours after about 4000kms in the past week and a half. Its the dead of winter and i'm building a kevin pile before the spring.

no mods till then.. but there will be lots!!!

ps - i need a job, i think i'm going to make a quick start up.. details to come!

Well.. that's not enough of a Butt tickler...


.. and truth be told, it seems the best one is stuck at the boarder crossing!

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