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Race The First Night I Had My 850


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Bought an 855 (t5wagon) over the summer, took 3 friends out that night in it to tool around. The idea hits me that I should go to the local ricer (pronounced shitbox) hangout. Through a few dirty looks and one of my friends hanging out the window taunting the ricers I manage to hurt someones feelings enough to race my wagon. I pull to a light behind him in the left turning lane. He is on it immediately, I wait till i clear the turn to go WOT. He was driving a VTEC integra, newer model. By the time i was WOT I was 3 lengths back. Needless to say by 65mph I had pulled ahead. I let off and followed him to the next light. He had a dumbfounded look on his face and all he said was "a wagon?". Mind you there were 4 of us in the car, at about 190 pounds each, Yet we romped this guy. Go volvo!

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hahahahaha. i've got a new salesman that is working for me and he has a 93 prelude with a swapped h23 something or other and he thinks it is so fast. i cant wait to smoke him. man it is amazing to me that these guys think their cars are fast. i guess it would feel fast if you took it from 135 hp to 165 hp or even to 185 hp.

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hahahahaha. i've got a new salesman that is working for me and he has a 93 prelude with a swapped h23 something or other and he thinks it is so fast. i cant wait to smoke him. man it is amazing to me that these guys think their cars are fast. i guess it would feel fast if you took it from 135 hp to 165 hp or even to 185 hp.

heh you guys must get slow ricers over there. over here, im very wary of racing hondas. been burned a couplfe of times by them.

some of them weight about 1000kilos, even less, so even if they only make 180-200hp, they still can get a decent power to weight ratio.

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Where are the multiple posts of people complaining about the fact that it was the first day he got it and that there were 4 people in the car????????????????????????

I let it go because it was posted before I posted my rules. I wouldn't close it because of the 4 people since they all seemed to be quite happy out racing if they are hanging out the windows taunting ricers.

I will close it for heading down to the known ricer hangout though.

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