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mac has finally given up and assimilated into the mainstream computing culture!!!!!

this is a day to rejoice!

too bad:

a. there are no games for a mac that you would ever want to play.

b. you still don't have a right click button.

macs are still inferior.


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Apple realized, just as Sun and SGI, that making your own CPU to compete with mainstream products is difficult and stupidly expensive.

Sun and SGI both run x86 CPUs now, ditching Sparc and MIPS respectively. Yay.

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mac has finally given up and assimilated into the mainstream computing culture!!!!!

this is a day to rejoice!

too bad:

a. there are no games for a mac that you would ever want to play.

b. you still don't have a right click button.

macs are still inferior.


We have plenty of games: http://www.apple.com/games/features/

and a two-button mouse (one button look) is standard with Macs: http://www.apple.com/mightymouse/

And up until today, I had the #1 Mac Laptop, 17" Powerbook. The Intel 'books (MacBook Pro) is 4x faster with only 150MHz more, display is 67% brighter, and there are countless other improvements. And all for no increase in price. Not too shabby. Look forward to seeing OS X for PCs soon.

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If I want to play games, I use a Windows box.

If I actually want to do something worthwhile with my computer, I use OS X.

If I want a server, I use Linux.

Everything has its place.

Look forward to seeing OS X for PCs soon.

Highly unlikely in a form from Apple, although somebody will figure out how to hack the BIOS verification, I'm sure. Hardware and OS integration is a core part of Apple's strategory, so it would be interesting to see how it will fail once it starts running on kooky hardware.

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If I want to play games, I use a Windows box.

If I actually want to do something worthwhile with my computer, I use OS X.

If I want a server, I use Linux.

Everything has its place.

Highly unlikely in a form from Apple, although somebody will figure out how to hack the BIOS verification, I'm sure. Hardware and OS integration is a core part of Apple's strategory, so it would be interesting to see how it will fail once it starts running on kooky hardware.

Even though Apple won't release it (most likely), a leaked version of the kernel has been available for a long time now. My buddy was running OS X on his x86 machine with mostly everything work (UI and whatnot).

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We have plenty of games: http://www.apple.com/games/features/

and a two-button mouse (one button look) is standard with Macs: http://www.apple.com/mightymouse/

Look forward to seeing OS X for PCs soon.

1. :rolleyes:

2. i don't need to name my mouse "mighty" to show it's superiority. it has two buttons and a wheel.

3. And i'm waiting for Vista to come out for a Powerbook too!!!!!!

few dozen mac games < few hundred thousand PC games

If I want to play games, I use a Windows box.

If I actually want to do something worthwhile with my computer, I use OS X.

If I want a server, I use Linux.

Everything has its place.

this is half true.

server, linux all the way, games, windows all the way.

but for a workstation, windows has quite the advantage within the engineering field...solidworks. pro-e. autocad :lol:, archicad, flowworks....... there's too many to list.

i've only heard macs being used for sound engineering and some video production jobs.

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Apple realized, just as Sun and SGI, that making your own CPU to compete with mainstream products is difficult and stupidly expensive.

Sun and SGI both run x86 CPUs now, ditching Sparc and MIPS respectively. Yay.

Apple has never fabricated its own procs. it's been Moto since the late 70's. Moto + IBM in the late 90's, ergo the "AIM"(apple, IBM, moto) alliance.

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War III is compatable for both.

that mighty mouse, i have it and love it... most of the time. the side click feature is great when you need it and so god Darn poking annoying when you don't but click it a billion time anyway (with OSX 10.4 w/ Tiger)

That mac book humbles my 12" iBook

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Even though Apple won't release it (most likely), a leaked version of the kernel has been available for a long time now. My buddy was running OS X on his x86 machine with mostly everything work (UI and whatnot).

i ran it, my wireless didn't work though.. so its sitting on a harddrive in my closet.

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apple went to intel because they are the only ones who can give them a g5 in the powerbooks. that's the only real reason. now the powerbook can be smaller until intel figures out how to cram a g5 in there (and cool it, which is the tuff part). moto and ibm just couldn't come through here, and this needs to happen for apple to stay cutting edge.

and there has been an x86 version of each os x release since 10.0. it's been pretty hard to find up until now, but they've been coding it both ways from the start.


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few dozen < few hundred

Quality > Quantity :P.

Anywho, I expect that Apple will release OS X for PCs, but will never allow any other OS on Apple hardware. I mean, what do they have to loose by offering 95% of the market share another option besides Windows? The main reason people don't like Apple's are because they aren't used to them. People don't like new things. If more and more computers ran OS X, more people would be used to it and it wouldn't be a Mac vs. PC thing, it'd be a Windows OR OS X thing. I must say, most of the complaints I hear about the usability of Macs are completely baseless. Sure, there are a few arguments (games, some apps, etc.) but most anything work-wise you'd do on Windows you can do on a Mac. At the beginning of the previous semester, I had a friend who absolutely hated Macs. He's 22 and has been using nothing but Windows. I talked him into at least trying a Mac. You know what, three weeks later he bought one. Seriously, I'm not trying to start any arguments, I'm just saying give it a real try before completely dismissing it.

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Apple realized, just as Sun and SGI, that making your own CPU to compete with mainstream products is difficult and stupidly expensive.

Sun and SGI both run x86 CPUs now, ditching Sparc and MIPS respectively. Yay.

Not true.

Some sun hardware is running AMD Opteron CPUs (and HOLY SHIZZ they fly!!!) but Sun are still actively developing Sparc too... I saw a roadmap out past UltraSPARC 5 the other day - they have some seriously good stuff in the pipeline...

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