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Did We Lose Everything ? >>>>>>


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lol, Chuck and I were talking about some old topics, and I decided to bump a few :P

I was also talking to him today about the possibility of getting everything from the past back (right now we only have the last year or so) So, it might be something I will be working on in the future.

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lol, Chuck and I were talking about some old topics, and I decided to bump a few

Why would you bump a topic that had no text except your "BUMP :P "

And you did it in performance?

You said a few, where are the other ones floating around that will confuse everyone?

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no, the other one was in political and it had relevant stuff in it.

I just bumped a funny one in performance, to see what the responses would be. That was the only one without text. We were talking about going thru and bringing the other old posts back (the ones with nothing in them)

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