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Another Vs Member Accident...

Volvo Virgin

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Well I guess it was my turn.I'm sitting at a red lite coming home from work,right after a downpour started.You can probably guess the rest.Old lady,hydroplaning,her piece of crap plows my cherry S.The quintessential accident story.I get out of my car all pissed ready to tear somebody's head off,and I find a 70yr old woman crying in her car telling me about how she was hurrying home from her dialysis treatments to get back to her ailing husband and skidded on the rain-slicked road.As much as I wanted to be pissed,I end up consoling her.WTF.I guess I'm a pushover at heart.

Pushover is one thing,stupid is another,so I called the police on my cell.I knew the cop who showed up and I even asked him not to write her a ticket,as long as she clearly admitted to him what happened,and it was written on the report.So that's how it ended,but I will say that the Volvo faired very well.The impact was hard enough to push me forward a couple feet even tho I was on the brake.I was expecting a good bit of damage when I got out.Happy to say tho that unless there is more to be uncovered by the body shop,only the bumper cover appears to be damaged.The front of her 94 Cavalier was spanked.She could still drive it, but both headlights were done,front bumper,which went under my car,was bent down at a 45 degree angle,grill was wasted,and the hood was buckled and would not open.

And that was my day........ :(

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sorry to hear Rob, glad to hear you were a good guy about it. accidents happen, all will be ok in the end.

Yeah man,I don't go to church every Sunday for nothing. :) Definitely worse things in life that can happen.

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Oh man Rob. Sorry to hear about this man. Hopefully the car isn't too bad, and it'll be repaired. Make sure the insurance company doesn't hotdog you around. If you're looking for a body shop, I know a good one in the area.

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Oh man Rob. Sorry to hear about this man. Hopefully the car isn't too bad, and it'll be repaired. Make sure the insurance company doesn't hotdog you around. If you're looking for a body shop, I know a good one in the area.

totally man, insurance co's are all about slappin you with their corporate hotdog... HAHAHAH..

- i love the word filter.

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I don't think there is absorbver in the back, at least 850's rear bumpers are mounted to the frame. Cavaliers suck. I am glad you're OK but I am worried about one thing:


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.I get out of my car all pissed ready to tear somebody's head off,and I find a 70yr old woman crying in her car telling me about how she was hurrying home from her dialysis treatments to get back to her ailing husband and skidded on the rain-slicked road.As much as I wanted to be pissed,I end up consoling her.WTF.I guess I'm a pushover at heart.

Sucks to hear what happened. I can sympathize with the situation. I had my car totaled in high school by an 88 year old man. He had a walker for christsake. But I did the same as you. In the end, lives > cars. Hope it all works out for you.

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