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Bad Cd

Guest Guest_fred_*

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Guest Guest_fred_*

my wife has a 2001 s40 when you put a cd in the radio, it takes it for a second and then

kick's it back out does it just need to be cleaned or is it something else any help would be nice

thank you

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nope all cd's, tried cleaning it too. if it was all those other things do they just happen or is it progressive?

haha.. you tell us.. did it just happen to all, or has it been getting worse.

Sounds like something is busted.. time to hop on eBay and shop!

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I have had my radio do this. Normally kicks the CD back out when it doesn't recognise the format. On mine, I can't use CD-Rs. I have had it do it with store bought CDs, but rarely. I can switch to another CD for a while, then go back to the problem one and it works. Could be dust moving around blocking the laser from reading correctly.

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Hey Zappo...I've been told by a Volvo Service manager (a bad one) that the Volvo Radios aren't made to play CD-Rs. I too had this trouble when I had the OEM radio but I could get one or two brands of CD-R to play...specifically Sony and certain Maxell's.

As for the question, I would buy something like a Maxell Audio lens cleaner and run it through a couple times in the CD player to see if that helps.

Good luck

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Yeah, I pretty much figured it wouldn't work, I just put it in there to see what would happen. I should try to clean mine. The problem that I have right now is that when the unit is cold, it doesn't like to first couple of tracks cleanly. It will "blank out" a lot. Usually by the middle of the second track the problem is gone. Once it is warmed up, the problem is gone also.

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