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hey those are some awesome phones

i am not the business man and dont have quite a need for bluetooth techology right now but some of the ones you suggesed were great

i also noted that the v3 razor, and razors in general are WAY overrated, my friend has one and my dad just got the v3 and its not that great, although WAY better than my $2 samsung that barely works, i would prefer another phone for way less

i liked the LG that was the MP3 player and the 1.3 megapixel but its a lot of $

so im gunna have to find it used

again anyone that has an old good camera phone workable for verizon that they are looking to sell....PM me

thanks guys

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Nokia 6820, FTW! Gotta respect the QWERTY keyboard.

you have to realize that for verizon we get very few cool phones, so most wont work. They have a special razor that they converted to verizon, but it dosnt even have MP3. For verizon the VX9800 really is the best deal, I had a phone upgrade availible so I got it for only $99.

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I have a razor. I felt cool for a few days until I realized every other tool on the block had one. The best phone I've ever had was the free POS Nokia brick I got for my first cellphone. Color screen didn't exist, extremely limited memory, text messaging was the brave new frontier, never f***ed up once.

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got myself a v710, im really pee'd off b/c they disabled almost every bluetooth feature, but there are ways around that, if you can figure out a scan tool then you can figure out the phone. It has mp3 capability and handset option, camera "that sucks on mine, my buddy with a different provider has same phone and camera is 10X better", but still cool feature. Takes memory cards too, and the motorola tools pack allows for sync of alot of stuff plus pc to phone downloads via usb or bluetooth. And its cheap

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Motorola something-or-other "R"

I've thrown it at stuff, dropped it [including in a bonfire once, but the melting on the battery cover is from a lighter], and carved stuff into it drunk the past year now, and it still has shown no signs of slowing down. It's a Darn good phone.

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I called our cell phone girl at my company today and asked if I could pass on the Razor phone, when she asked why I told her becuase it was the new Peg.........there was an akward silence and I could feel her looking at me like this........ :blink:.

No go homo, I got the black one. She did say that they are coming out with a new version of the Razor that will be even smaller, should be out this summer.

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