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Us Customs Sucks!


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So today my dad and i road triped down to Flint MI to grab some parts to rebuild the sedan i wrecked in the fall by hitting bambi.

When we got to US customs it was pretty hilarious. We told her we were going to get car parts then she asked if we had jobs. Haha.. i'm working part time right now just out of school and my dad is semi-retired so i said no - we are both unemployed!

Then the dyke wanted to see inside the car. Cool, look around, next thing i know we have to go check in with US Department of Agriculture cause we brought some sandwiches so we wouldn't have to stop.

They take the keys and two officers go through the car and throw out 1 pastrami sandwich and a clemintine (little orange). I guess that one sandwhich was a material threat to the safety of the US population - it was LACED with BSC (Mad cow).

Then the customs officer started apologizing for throwing out the orange and what we would have to do if we did want to bring celemintines into the US. Like, let me be on my way, it's only an orange, i'm not going to lose sleep over it.

Coming back into canada with air bags, dash pad, structural shroud, seat belts, (and declaring nothing) .... we just talked about the deer i smoked with the Canadian customs lady and she didn't even ask for ID.

God i love this country!!

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You need to watch Canadian Bacon (again). It soooo explains how evil you Canucks are, and how the US should take a hard line on your subtle, underhanded methods of ruining our country. I'm darn glad that they tossed your WMD pastrami sandwich out. They probably saved inumerable lives.

It was that, and your beady Canuck eyes.

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You need to watch Canadian Bacon (again). It soooo explains how evil you Canucks are, and how the US should take a hard line on your subtle, underhanded methods of ruining our country. I'm darn glad that they tossed your WMD pastrami sandwich out. They probably saved inumerable lives.

It was that, and your beady Canuck eyes.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol:

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No fruits or vegatables across the border. How often do you guys cross the border and not know this? Works the same way going into Canada also, just so you know.

Didn't you learn anything from the Gr8gtsby thread? Don't mess with the border guards! :)

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No fruits or vegatables across the border. How often do you guys cross the border and not know this? Works the same way going into Canada also, just so you know.

Didn't you learn anything from the Gr8gtsby thread? Don't mess with the border guards! :)

Right. Those Canadian fruit flies are much worse than the ones that we have in the US, and I'm sure they don't cross the border on their own...

You should've gotten lippy w/the borderguard and told him where he could stow the sandwich. Don't forget to end it by calling him a hoser.

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Adam, i love clemintines dude.. but i think eating a clemintine while cruising at 120/70 in a bit of a snow squall would not have been a good idea!!

Yeah, that's another thing that pissed me off. They just took the liberty to throw out my pastrami and orange without consent. Couldn't i at least been offered a return to Canada to consume the delicious mini-fruit or sandwich?

You know whats funny about what carson said about being easy to get into canada but not to the us. It's kind of funny, because i saw no abandon housing in my 6 hour treck through canada, but i see some of the most economically destitute areas in my life when i'm in the states. And this time guess where... good ol' Flint MI, i think they call it Vehicle City! Probably the richest blue collar area in the world only 30 years ago!?

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We don't want no unemployed fruit smuggling Canadians in the country!

I do see the seriousness in this offence!! it really is quite impressive how strict they are enforcing the laws. A testament to at least the fact that the insane amount of money on homland defence is being felt!

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