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Us Customs Sucks!


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the last time i brought over endlinks and C70 jewels from the border

they just sat in the back seat

going back to canada, they asked what i did, told them i was meeting friends for the day

they waved me through

no questions, no searching

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never had a problem bring keys back from my trips down south... but the way down, people in detroit are just nasty....although one time they made us throw out our dogs food, cuz it had beef in it and we couldn't prove where it was produced..... I fell for ya man

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Yeah i got asked about dog food, and.. "seeds" haha... if i was going to introduce americans to our superior grade of pole, i'd let the american run the risk of getting it over the boarder.

not that i can get seeds, but the fact remains, it was just a lunch!

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You know whats funny about what carson said about being easy to get into canada but not to the us. It's kind of funny, because i saw no abandon housing in my 6 hour treck through canada, but i see some of the most economically destitute areas in my life when i'm in the states. And this time guess where... good ol' Flint MI, i think they call it Vehicle City! Probably the richest blue collar area in the world only 30 years ago!?

Oh dear Lord, I hope no one on here is from Flint... because it is truly the armpit of the world. Everyone in that town got dicked over hard core by GM. They used to have a HUUUGE car plant right outside of Flint, and they beat it off like 10 years ago. Reason I know this is because I applied to Kettering University, formerly the GM Institute, got a full ride and went to visit it. I was so scared just driving through the town that I was like nope a free education is not worth getting shot over.

Point of the story Flint=BAAAAAD! :excl:

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if i was going to introduce americans to our superior grade of weed, i'd let the american run the risk of getting it over the boarder.

Ontario? Everyone knows BC Bud is #1. B)

Why do you think the boarder guards over here search all the young guys with older cars. They fit the profile!

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I do see the seriousness in this offence!! it really is quite impressive how strict they are enforcing the laws. A testament to at least the fact that the insane amount of money on homland defence is being felt!

Well you see, you're missing something here. The money for homland defense isn't being spend on the border spooks, so what you really did was donate your lunch to a hungry officer. I"m sure he thanks you. :lol:

You do know that you're now on the growing list of known Canadian pirates smugglers after you tried to infiltrate our sovern nation w/your pastrami WMD.

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did u know the us custom can tax u for electronics u brought from home (in the u.s.) when u come back into the country? tax ur own frigg'n u.s. of a. bought cell phones, pda, games, etc. kinda stupid. they tell u if u want, u need to fill out a form b4 u leave. :rolleyes:

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Pat I think the custom agents were just hungry!

Glad you got back without trouble thought!

AND yes I am from flint, and yes I go to Kettering U (formally GMI) And let me tell you flint sucks! we had a kid last year get stuck up at gun point, the took is wallet, watch, keys, and cell phone, the proceeded to steal his car.

But the school is supremely good for Mechanical engineering based toward the automotive market and I would not want to go to any other school. That siad, I do wish I could move mine.

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They just took the liberty to throw out my pastrami and orange without consent. Couldn't i at least been offered a return to Canada to consume the delicious mini-fruit or sandwich?

"Sir we need you to sign this 'Sack Lunch Discard' Form, it says you forfeit your bolognia and pear."

Anyone in the SouthWest knows there's a similar story on the US-Mexico border. Little tricky to get in to Me-hee-co (more so because US Border Patrol checks your ATV's, car and any watercraft for proof of ownership), but getting back to the US is easy as pie.

Last time a casual conversation about Dean Koontz (novelist) got us back in the states.

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Yeah man, things were a breeze coming back over! Thanks for the help with the parts!!

As for the ON vs. BC pole is concerned, i'll agree, but shipping in Canada doesn't go through drug detection or customs so your pole is my pole! ;)

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AND yes I am from flint, and yes I go to Kettering U (formally GMI) And let me tell you flint sucks! we had a kid last year get stuck up at gun point, the took is wallet, watch, keys, and cell phone, the proceeded to steal his car.

But the school is supremely good for Mechanical engineering based toward the automotive market and I would not want to go to any other school. That siad, I do wish I could move mine.


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