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Amazon Suck!


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Man, i've been looking for some Saloman slip on shoes off and on for like 3 years now, and i finally sat down today and said "i'll just buy them online". BAM amazon's got them and they're pretty wicked, go to pay, and then BAM.. no canadians can have shoes!?


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I love amazon...saved like $150 on text books...then gonna sell them back to the school for more money!

man, i want to go back and do a second degree just for that!! why didn't i know about that earlier!?

as for the shoes, it seems canada doesn't have any online apparel stores, so now i need to go hunt these down!?


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I earned like 1350$ in 3 weeks with Amazon's Mechanical Turk program a while back while they were testing it...the good money is long gone now :(

I still love Amazon though lol

I ordered a digicamcam from them and had it sent to me through shopthestates.com

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oh my god - shop the states is an AWESOME business idea!!

back to the shoes though - i can not get these anywhere.

I went to the local "sports superstore" and no dice, then i went to a sports boutique that i know carries Salomon but they only had Sidkik High, and i want low!?

I think i saw them at the ski resort so i'll check there tomorrow, if not i might have to part from Salomon (I LOVE their footwear) and get a Merrill shoe - but i had a pair of their boots once and they broke fast, which made me go back to Salomon - that was like 2 years ago and they still rock!!

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Amazon Suck sounds like a tribal sex act.

you win!

by the way, amazon does carry them, i just can't get thim into canada.

i'll see what kind of luck i have the resort tomorrow!

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