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Ski Trip Pics..


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Ok, well i went skiing today instead of going for a run at the gym. Actually snowboarding, but to the hill all the same.

My brother is an electrical engineering tech. and last time we went it was too foggy to take pics of the windfarm we drive by on the way, but today was gorgeous, and i wasn't going to let a REALLY dirty car get in the way of some volvo shots..

This is out the roof, i think it looks cool. Totally a testament to how great of a day it was, that a random picture can look so neat!?


I stopped to get a better shot of some of the windmills, and saw this. After the fact you kind of see a little bit of irony with respect to wind!?


This is another stop, and when i realized i needed the volvo in the camera


This is in the shadow of our hill. I boarded lonesome till my right leg hurt every time i was on heelside. GREAT day!


Jeremy, the performance of these lights BLOW!!!


This is on the way out of town, just pulled over on the shoulder. A town about 50 miles from here is the world record holder for most beautiful sunsets (Port Elgin ON)


Through the windshild while driving


Wind farm as the sun sets with some PS help ;)


Back home



K, now i need some PS work done here. I need the 15"s replaced with 18" graphite pegs and a drop. Also get rid of the trailer hitch. It's still on in case someone rear ends me over the winter!!


This pic is the the 180° of the off highway sunset

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I took offense to your comment until you explained the dirt joke on to me in IM.

For someone as meticulous as you, i'm truly suprised it needed explaining. I had to get out and clean them half way home. And there was SO much crap on them (i regret to say it) i had to spit on them and then use my snow brush to 'wash' it away!!

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ok well i went skiing on tuesday. i ski about 3 times a week now. was doing a street flat bar int eh park, about 20ft long. went to 270 out of it, caught an edge when i landed, was going pretty fast, went head first shoulder first down into the snow. blacked out. woke up and my couler bone. was sticking out of my shoulder. ski patrol came said i could go to the lodge to get checked out, i took muy jacket off and she felt my shoulder and said it was The worst shes seen. i skied down the mountain on my own, skied to my car and drove myself in my 240 manual down the mountain and straight to The ER. tore the ligaments that hold my couler bone down to my shoulder and got a concussion. go in tomorrow to see if i need surgery on my shoulder. wish me luck btichesss. ill post a few ski pics soon from my 20+ times going up this season.

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Man, i got thread jacked!!

1) ultimate warrior snowboard story - sorry to hear it man!! eeep.. but definitly miles above me!!

2) ed chymes in with the world revolves around him update

This is the quated shot without PS


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