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Ski Trip Pics..


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For someone as meticulous as you, i'm truly suprised it needed explaining. I had to get out and clean them half way home. And there was SO much crap on them (i regret to say it) i had to spit on them and then use my snow brush to 'wash' it away!!

that's what headlight wipers are for :P

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that's what headlight wipers are for :P

They were removed when the new lights were put in, and disabled a couple days after i bought the car!

Thats the second time i've had to get out and clear, this time was by far the worst though!!

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yeh i was skiing actually, skiing is better then snowboarding no question. but yeh everyone has been telling me im a savage and what not for doing that but it really wasnt all that bad. i was running on ALL adreloline when i was driving, then when i got to the ER and they were taking X-rays, i almost passed out, got really really hott, starter seeing flashing lights and starting swaying back and forth and fell on a table and had to get some water. but yeh, i go in this morning to see if i need surgery.

wtyping sucks, i have to type with one hand kinda, and im right handed and i f-ed up my right arm so......ive really learned how important my right arm is. it takes me 10mins minimum to get my pants on in the morning, i cant dry myself off when i get outta the shower, and when im eating with my lefft, i have to stop every like 30secs cuz my arm gets tired. sucks really bad. but yeh ima post a fwe good ski pics ive taken this season fe\llas.

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