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But what side would you choose Ilya?  hypothedically speaking with the sides being what they are now with one side being terrorist and the other a foreign nation that had dethroned a dictator?  I know in WWII  every Russian citizen supported the war in one way or another,  if it was as simple as burning their own crops to keep the advancing Germans from using them, sniping at German supply lines and rear support units.  Ultimately general winter and stallengrad turned the offensive. 

But in what you said about if a terroist runs into a house of "noncombatants" why dont the "noncombatants" get the hell out of there. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that hey me and my family are in harms way its up to us to get the hell out of here.  The terrorist have a job to do, the soldiers have a job to do and the "noncombatants" have a job to do.

Like i said, if the cause was worth fighting for, i would stay. I would undoubtedly fight against the nazi's in world war 2. I would not go anywhere.

But you say that the two sides in this war are terrorist and foreign nation. If it was really like this then i would not support either. But that is not how it is. If you are referring to iraq and afghanistan "by saying terrorists" then i am going to have to disagree with you. Not everybody over there a terrorist, not even close. As a matter of fact, the people that have committed most of these terror acts reside in Saudi Arabia. If i was in the place of the afghan and iraqi people, i would do everything i could to drive out the foreign military force. If you think about it, iraq is definetly not the biggest threat to the U. S. In my opinion, in attacking iraq, U.S should aslo have attacked Cuba, North Korea, and even Russia. These countries are a much greater threat to the population of America. Goin back to the innocent in war, In my opinion, these non-combatant people should not be harmed or touched in any way what so ever, if all they are doing is blowing up the oil lines that the american soldeirs are trying to get to. If america did not go in there for the oil, then there is no need to steal from the iraqi people. Also, you seen many American bobmbs go astray and land in some remote village killing all of the peacefull people residing. These people are undoubtedly innocent.

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Ok just so I knew what was going on I made a few calls and read some numbers to figure out who exactly is dead. This is like the great statistic about kids killed with guns. You think ohhh poor Timmy was shot on his tire swing in front of his house. But once you read the small print you learn that anyone under 21 is considered a kid. So a PFC in the military can count as a child killed with a gun. So can a south Compton gang member.... Yes some real kids are killed but they numbers are slanted...

Back on point. Look up the numbers killed in Iraq. About the only way you dont get listed as a noncombatant is if your a suicide bomber or in uniform. Numbers read much like Samolia.

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Arguing about the Iraq war and WMD's reminds me of an old, well not that old Russian Proverb.

My Russian is very rusty so I had to use the Fish.

Не будет правды в весточке и не будет весточек в правде

Translated: There is no Truth in the News and there is no News in the Truth.

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