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Cd Changers


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I recently purchase an USA model of a ´95 850 Turbo Wagon. The magazin for the CD changer was missing so I went to the local Volvo dealer and they had one on stock, which unfortunatly did not match the CD changer in my car.

Are there different CD changers in the Euro and US versions? It looked like it was supposed to fit but just a tad too big. I have the SC-811 audio system in the car if that detail matters.



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Will unscrew it from the rear mount and check the model when I get back from vacation. Seems odd that there are 2 different types that are so alike that it´s only a few millimeters difference.



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  • 3 weeks later...


Finally back from Mallorca and unscrewed the CD changer. Here is the Model No. Volvo 9148791 - 4969.

In case, these are all the other numbers I found on the CD changer:


H 5 05 47686 A


Hope anyone can tell me what magasin I need and if it´s perhaps available from Alpine (I assume it´s an Alpine changer).



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Well, I don't know anything about the Volvo part numbers but there are two possible Alpine magazines to try.

A search on the internet for Volvo compatible magazines found this which shows a different magazine depending on year. You can cross reference with this to find the equivalent Alpine part.


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Guest 95850turbo

can anyone tell me what cd changers work with sc-811 Hu on a 95 850 turbo..

I thought Alpine CHM-S601 or Alpine CHM-S620 were recommended ones..now i think people are suggesting Alpine CHM-S624.


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Just a small update, went to the local Alpine dealer and their mainstream 6CD magazine did not fit so they dug around and found:

Alpine 4905 - Compact Disc Magazine

(Party Down has it at 60$, I got it for about 25$ here in Iceland via the Alpine dealer)

IT WORKS! hehe, finally I can play CDs... what a relief. :)



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