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My Kick Pods That Bing Made Me


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Hello everyone, finally got some decent pics of the kicks that bing made me a while back. They are a little large, but house all three pieces of a 3way crystal component set including a 6.5" a 4" and a 1" all in the kick. And you do get used to them being there eventually. I still have to mount them down and tuck the wires, but this still gives you an idea. And oh how much better these puppies sound B)

Drivers Kick (comes just to the end of the dead pedal)


Passenger kick


Zoomed back shot (flash)


Zoomed back shot (cooler looking long exposure)


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hehe, well, i agree cosmetically, three way kicks like that isnt the best, and with a lotmore work, they can look better, but you still have THREE spekers down there...

as for putting your foot through it...thats what everyone says until they get a pair, two things will happen, oneis that your foot gets used to having something there, and you dont even notice htem anymore after a week or so at the most (I still ride with my left leg bent even though I have no kick panel in my car right now), and two, you will realize that you can put your foot on them if you want, at themost you wil do is bend the grille a little, which after a while, you just pop them out, bend them back straight and put them back in. I still stand by my statement that if any of my custoemrse ever destroy a kick panel speaker with their foot or what ever outside object accidentally, I will replace them for free, and after 5 years and 40-50 pairs, i have never had to replace any. and believe me, some of my customers are very careless with them.


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Looks nice.

Are those your crossovers in the door pocket?

I would think that would be a ton of work to run the wires into the door and back out.


Those are the old 2way crossovers that I used for my components that I had in the doors, I just haven't taken them out of the passenger side yet. The 3way crossover is huge and just sitting on top of that lower panel that covers the bolsters right now.

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To be quite honest, I think it looks tacky. Not to be mean because i'm sure it sounds good, but personally it's just not my taste. I like things to look clean and simple.

Just remember though that it is a 3 way kick where as most are not. Because I wanted all 3 down there, the kicks are HUGE. Most of the time they are no where near that large, but, oh well :rolleyes: sure sounds hella good

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one thing to remember is that this is not a standard for all kicks, each kick, even int eh same vehciles, with different or event eh same speakres, can be made to look different. there is no way i would have built a kick panel like this for a manual volvo 850...a 6.5" two way comp set would be the ticket...

I dont think anthoiny is runny rear fill, but I could be wrong, but to be honest, if you had something liket his, or even a two way set upfront, you can sitin the back seat and hear all the music loud and clearly :)


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No rear fill at all. All stock speakers have been completely removed (for weight savings :P ) and deck power is turned off. I run an Alpine 9815. What you see below it is a Kenwood Sirius Tuner (can't wait till the sirius tuners for Alpine decks come out this year) The kicks up front are powered by a Kenwood KAC729S 2channel (about 100W rms x2) and I have 2 IDQ 10's in the trunk powered by a JBL 600.1 (600W rms @ 2ohms) All in all I am extremely happy with my setup. Get VERY loud and stays crystal ^_^ clear :P

Only things I still need to do is dynamat the entire car (drivers door is all I have gotten to thus far) and I need to make new boxes for the subs and need matching amps and to make it all look pretty. That may or may not happen before I leave for AF training this fall, we will see.

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Guest bing at work

is ben putting 8" in his doors? those look like 6.5" id chameleons from the picture...i would doubt a 8" driver will fit...

to answer you question, YES, a 8" three way comp set would work, it would be a little more work than anthony's andt he end result wont take up much more space than anthony;s either... it will be a more squarish baffle rather than his rather long one...of course you can also go with different angles for each speaker, whcih would maximize your leg room and looks better, but thats a lot more work...:)


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Guest bing at work

i eralize now you ment a 8" three way coaxial? right? sorry, then yeah, they can definetly be made to fit, i had originally planned to put a set of 8" morel integras in myown kicks, so I definetly know the jbls would fit...


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