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"put him in a ring and he poops himself, poke him with a stick and watch his bollucks grow....do you like a dog fight, Turkish?"

"if i throw a dog a bone, i dont wanna know if it tastes good or not. stop me again whist i'm walking , and i'll cut your f*&king Jacobs off...you f#$ pratt"

Saw lock, stock, and 2 smokin barrels....good flick as well.

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"we've lost gorgeous george"

"youre gonna have to repeat that"

"we've lost gorgeous george.."

"howd ya lose him? its not as if he's a set of f*cking car keys is he? and its not as if he's incon-f*cking-picous now, is he?


"we need a new caravan"

"whats wrong with this one?"

*door falls off*

"oh nothing, Tommy, its tip top.. its just, i'm not sure about the colour"

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"Shut up, sit down you big bald f*&k. I don't like leaving my country, Doug, especially if its not for white sandy beaches, and drinks where they put those little hats on em.."

"We got sandy beaches..."

"So who the f&^k wants to see them"

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"If thats not worht a bet, i dont know what is...he doesn't look bas does he?"

"Oh, no, Mr Polford he looks great...its what you pay, Guvner"

"You reckon thats what we should do, Gary...do me proud?"

"Its what you deserve, Mr Polford"

"Pull your toungue out of my a$$hole, Gary...dogs do that. you're not a dog are you, Gary?"

"Nah...no I'm not..."

"However, you do have all the characteristics, of a dog Gary......all except loyalty"

stun gun

plastic bag

roll of tape

"You're a ruthless little cvunt, Liam, I'll give you that!........but I've got no time for graces. Feed him to the pigs, Erroll."

another plastic bag


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I'm going to London.




Yeah, London. You know, fish, chips, cup-o-tea, bad food, worse weather, mary f'n poppins- LONDON!

god I love that movie. all time classic.

You're talking about frankie, I've got a problem with gambling, four-fingers doug.

you know why they call him frankie four fingers doug? cause he makes stupid bets with bad people, and when he doesn't pay up they give him the chop doug. and i'm not talking about his f'n foreskin either!

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