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Ok, i've known for some time that i've needed a new purge valve but haven't been on too much of a rush to fix it, since i would only get a CEL if i ran the engine low on gas.

Well I'm pretty low on gas right now and i went out to the car this morning to start it and - NOTHING!

Everything sounds good when i turn it over, except no start. Then i popped the hood and could hear a buzzing that remained after i stopped trying to start the car.

I took off the cover for the throttle wheel or whatever it would be called and the buzzing was definitly coming from the cylindrical motor by the wheel. I could feel it buzzing for about 30 seconds and then it stopped.

Is that part the purge valve?

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I have no other readings than the dash and my eyes and ears, can i test that with any degree of ease?

Yeah... go pull up the carpet in the trunk and put the key in pos. II and then go back and listen for the fuel pump whining. If yes, go back and check for spark by unplugging the wire from the coil to the dist. cap and have someone try to start the car while you look for spark. One of those two is most likely missing. Find out which one and that'll determine the next step to take.

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Thanks, i'll go do that. also did a search for fuel pressuer, and found a dude with similar symptoms. I fear i've let this purge vavle go too long, can't expel the fumes possibly.

I'll go take a look!

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Well i went and put the ignition in pos 2 listened but didn't hear anything (did't help that the city was moving snow with huge machines outside my house) then went to start and TA DA!

Filled up on gas (today $0.89/l, yesterday $0.79/l - GRRR) and things seem fine!

I have comitted to getting this fixed though, purge valve and O2s. Who can beat a dealership employee price? Can FCP?

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